29~ Happy Tears

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Louis ran over everything about meet and greets with me quickly before I was face to face with fans. He had been coaching me all week, but I still felt unprepared to see my own best friend freak out over me. And not just her, but all of them. What if I said the wrong thing? What if I ruined their long awaited moment with the famous Harry Styles by doing something stupid? What if I make Harry look bad? In the time I had to think about what could go wrong, I probably thought up every worst case scenario in existence.

"It'll be fine," Louis assured once more before we headed out.

The radio station which Grace had won tickets from was all set up. We were instructed to stand in front of a backdrop with the station's logo while the fans waited in a line. I spotted Grace and Harry, and the look on Harry's face made me want to cry. I felt stupid just for feeling that way, but I couldn't help it. He looked so proud of me.

We met fan after fan, taking an abundance of pictures in between, and my two friends were almost next.

Louis nudged me when they walked up to take their picture. I was so happy for Grace. She looked happier than I had seen her in a long time. All of us hugged her, and Harry slipped his hand into mine.

"Hey...babe," I mumbled.

"Your show was incredible," he complimented. Typically, I would have assumed he was only saying this to play the part of the supportive girlfriend, but something made me feel like this was different. "I mean it," he said so only I could hear, as if to confirm my thoughts.

"Thank you," I said, biting my lip to stop my stupid smile.

After all the meet and greets were finished, I pulled Harry aside. I needed to talk to him before tonight was over.

As soon as we were alone, I hugged him. In the safety of privacy, I finally cried those happy tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I ever hated on you or called your job stupid or called your lifestyle stupid or said it was easy because damn. Damn this shit is far from easy and I am so sorry that I ever
tried to convince you that my life was more difficult than yours because everyone has shit to deal with. Everyone. Famous, not famous, rich, poor, everyone has their shit going on and everyone's problems are relevant and I'm sorry I was such a bitch to you. I'm sorry I was judgmental and cruel. I thought I knew it all, I really thought I did, but I didn't have a damn clue what kind of crap you deal with daily. So I'm sorry."

I hated how emotional I was being, but Harry didn't even judge me for it. He smiled and hugged me tighter, still not letting go.

"I'm sorry I ever judged your life too, and I'm sorry you have to deal with all the shit you have to deal with. It's a lot, Cara. You have a lot to deal with, and you don't deserve a single bit of it and I'm so sorry I jumped to such conclusions about you and your situation when really you're one of the strongest people I know. You really are, and I am so fucked up after trying to live your life. I can't believe I made it this far, and I will never understand how you do this every day. How you go through all this bullshit with a smile on your face. I don't get it, and I don't have to, but I admire it. I admire you, and honestly there's no one I would have rather been stuck in this mess with."

"Hey," Louis said. "You two coming?"

We nodded and followed him out. The rain had really picked up now. The light shower that had started at the beginning of the show was now a full thunder storm.

The boys and I were now allowed to head back to the tour bus to relax. Harry and Grace had to go home, but the storm was so violent that I offered to give them a ride in the bus.

We dropped off Grace, then Harry, and then went back to the hotel. I showered and went to sleep as soon as I could. Today had been long and eventful. A full night of sleep was needed.

I fell asleep that night to the harsh patter of raindrops against the hotel room window.

***Harry's Point of View***

When I woke up the morning after the concert, I opened my eyes to a familiar sight that was enough to scare the shit out of me.

The walls were not those of a teenage girl's bedroom.

The cluttered suitcase was not overstuffed with teenage girl clothing.

The fluffy white comforter I lay under did not match the one covering Cara's bed.

This was not the place I had fallen asleep. I didn't even need to look in the mirror to know.

We were back.

*** Cara's Point of View***

"Cara!" called my mother's voice from down the hall. I groaned in response, still half asleep. "Cara, Harry is at the door. He says it's important."

Her words barely registered in my distant mind, but they clicked enough to make me shoot up in bed.

My mother's voice, speaking to me, referring to me in a second person point of view and Harry in a third, as it should be. And the fact that he was waiting at my door to begin with. He must have figured it out already.

I didn't even need to open my eyes to know what was going on.

We were back.

I walked downstairs, surprisingly calm and incredibly happy to be back in my own skin. Standing by the front door was the man who had only been showed to me in mirrors for the past week. A man whom I had grown incredibly close with under such circumstances. A man whom I would be sad to see continue with his tour once his stop in New York came to an end.

"It's good to see you as yourself again," he said.

"I could say the same to you."

"I think it's safe to say we have a lot to talk about, don't you? How about I take you out for coffee," he offered. I smiled.

"I'd like that."

Maybe one day I would try and prove that I switched places with Harry Styles and pulled off the grandest lie of my existence, but that day was not anytime soon. It didn't even matter who knew. What mattered was that it happened. This amazing mystery of nature happened, and it would remain a secret until one of us decided to reveal it.

The truth of the matter was that nothing was really easy. No one has the perfect life, as much as it may seem so. It's easy to forget sometimes when we're caught up in all of our own problems. In the end, I was glad I could experience life on the other side for a while. It's amazing what can be found when you search things from a new perspective.


this is the final chapter of perspective!! The epilogue will be uploaded soon hopefully, but this is technically the end! I just want to thank everyone who read, voted, commented, and supported me throughout writing this book. I know it took a long ass time but ilysm for helping me through until the end. I can't believe it's actually over though? This is crazy. I hope the ending lives up to your expectations!! I feel it was a little anticlimactic but that's just me. let me know what you think! Any loose ends will hopefully be tied up in the epilogue so if you have questions they might be answered later on. seriously though you guys are the absolute best readers. thank you so much xxx

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