17~ The Brooklyn Bridge

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((guys this isn't proof-read so I'm sorry if some things don't make a ton of sense or if some parts are just plain stupid, but I'll fix it all later. Feel free to point it out though so I know what to fix!))

***Cara’s Point of View***

“Today has been so much fun,” Louis said as we looked out over New York City from the top of the Rockefeller Center. I could feel him looking at me, but I kept my eyes fixed on the view. I didn’t try to hide my smile though.


“Yeah, it really has. It’s like for a day I could switch off the fame, and I don’t know. It was nice.”

“Well I’m glad to hear that, but the day is not over. It could go to complete shit in these last few hours and you literally may have just jinxed it by saying today has been great, so way to go Louis.”

“I doubt it,” he laughed. “Speaking of which, what else do you have up your sleeve?”

I smirked. The entire day had consisted of me dragging him through one tourist attraction after another, but I had one special place left for the final destination.

“Oh, I don’t know if you can handle it. It’s pretty special,” I teased.

“Special, or special to you?”

“Both,” I answered after a long moment of thought. “Come on.”

And so we took the subway down to my favorite place in all of New York.

“Welcome to Brooklyn,” I said to Louis as we emerged from the steps of the underground railway.

“Is that what’s so special? Just Brooklyn? All of Brooklyn?”

“No,” I rolled my eyes, grabbing his arm and dragging him along with me. He fell into step beside me and did his best to keep up while I weaved between people.

Eventually, I broke into a jog and when I glanced over my shoulder I saw Louis struggling to follow. It was crowded, as usual. More crowded than I could ever remember.

“Hey!” I heard him shout, but I only stopped when I reached the middle of the bridge. I leaned against the side looking out at the water while Louis slowed to a stop, completely out of breath. “What was that about?”

“Shut up and look.”

And he did.

“The Brooklyn Bridge?”

Yes, of course.”

“Are you going to tell me why it’s special or do I have to beg?”

I briefly glanced at him, taking my eyes away from the sunset for a quick moment.

“It’s just special. It’s the Brooklyn Bridge.”

“Yeah, but why is it special to you?”

I intended to tell him when I thought of the idea to bring him there, but now I was so hesitant. What was the point? Why would he care? Why did I even think to tell him in the first place?

“I had my first kiss here,” I told him sheepishly.

“That’s pretty special,” he remarked.

“I guess. I don’t know. I always thought so, but now that I think about it, it’s not so special.”

“How come?”

“It wasn’t with the right person.”

“It was still your first kiss.”

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