14~ Dating A Fan

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***Cara’s Point of View***

“Are you listening to me?” Louis caught my attention.

“No,” I admitted. He had probably been explaining the signing to me for about three minutes, and I was totally zoned out. “Sorry.”

I couldn’t stop thinking about Harry. He asked me for Grace’s address. He was probably with her right now. There’s so many chances for him to fuck up, so many things he can do wrong at Grace’s apartment. It made me sick just thinking about it.

“All you have to do is sit there, smile, and sign whatever they place in front of you. Okay?”

I nodded. “I can do that.”

I’d seen videos of events like these online. Videos in which the boys were deliberately rude to a large sum of the girls that met them, but I decided not to think about that right now.

“It’s really just a promotional thing,” Louis said.

“It shouldn’t be,” I muttered. I didn’t think he heard me, but his stare told me otherwise. “This is a cool way for fans to meet you guys, even if it’s just for a second. I wish it wasn’t just some promotional bullshit to make your album more famous. I wish you guys would do this type of thing because you want to actually meet the people that made it possible.”

He was about to reply, but Jeff came into the room. He barely said a word to me after last night. I wasn’t sure what to think about that. I still hadn’t told Harry what I said to Jeff, and in all honesty I was still pissed off about the last time Harry and I spoke. When he called me jealous. That asshole.

Jeff left just as quickly as he’d appeared, and the other three boys wandered in after he was gone.

“Whatever you said to him must’ve been bad,” Niall chuckled. “I haven’t seen him this quiet since we used his clothes to dress up in disguise and wandered around the venue without security.”

I laughed imagining it. The others joined me, reminiscing their good times.

“That was fun,” Zayn nodded.

“We got to meet a lot of fans,” Louis agreed, his eyes on me. Proving a point much?

None of the other boys seemed to notice our exchange, thankfully.

Except for Liam.

“Showtime,” Jeff announced, his voice booming from the other room. We all walked out in a line, and I could feel Liam’s brown eyes boring into me. I wondered if Louis sensed it too. Whatever he thinks is going on can’t possibly be correct. No one would guess that I’m actually a teenage girl trapped in Harry’s body. No one.

They all screamed when we walked out. All of them. Every single teenage girl waiting in that never ending line abused their vocal chords at the sight of five conceited boys. Granted, a few months ago I would’ve been one of those girls. Oh, the horror.

We took our seats at the long table. Some sort of backdrop was behind us with the album cover plastered across it. There were so many people. How do they deal with this? I felt claustrophobic just sitting here, all of their eyes on me.

“You okay?” Louis whispered from beside me. I nodded.

I had practiced Harry’s signature all morning. All I had to do was copy it, smile, repeat. What if they talked to me? What if they asked me questions? Oh God.

The first girl stepped up as the security guards corralled the people behind her. She looked like she was about to pass out as she shyly handed me her album. I said hello, signed Harry’s name, and passed the case on to Louis. This process repeated over and over until my hand hurt and my butt was numb from sitting in this chair for so long. I hadn’t had any problems yet. A lot of girls tried to make conversation with me, but didn’t exactly have time to stop and chat as the guards rushed them along. I was actually grateful, but if I was the real Harry Styles I would’ve been irritated.

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