Chapter 1- My Past

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I hate my quirk.
It's brought nothing but pain into my life...

My quirk is Witchcraft.
It's special because of two reasons:

1. My quirk can skip generations.

My mother doesn't have my quirk, instead she has my grandfather's quirk. My mother's quirk is called Information Eyes. She sees a person's full name, their date of birth, their quirk, and if they're dead she can see their date of death. She can even see it in pictures. She can't turn this quirk off, she always sees everyone's information.
My grandmother and my aunt are the ones who have the Witchcraft quirk.

2. How my quirk works...The way my quirk works is...basically I can cast spells, curse people, and...uh...basically everything a witch can do.'s not easy to explain...
So, like a witch, I learn spells, charms, etc and the more I know, the more powerful I am. My family has written many journals on the quirk and has passed them down from generation to generation.

I have mastered quite a few things.
You also specialize in certain areas of Witchcraft my family has figured out. My grandmother, for example, specializes in Healing and Protection. My aunt specializes in Earth and, to an extent, Brewing.

When the quirk first develops, you feel a deep connection with a certain aspect of the magic, whether it be a specific element or category of spells/chants/etc. You can use any spell/charm/chant/etc, but what you feel a deep connection with you are better at. So, the charm might be more powerful...ritual has a 100% chance of working. You can feel deep connection to one or more.

When my quirk first developed, I felt a deep connection to three.
The Elements...

So I mainly focused my quirk in learning those aspects, but I learned many other things from my aunt and grandmother. I'm really close to my mother, aunt, and grandmother. They are the only family I have...and they are my only friends...

The other kids don't like me all that they don't...
Before my quirk manifested, almost everyone was my friend. I was kind of outgoing, cheerful, and all around fun to hang out with. The only people who didn't like me were a group of girls, they are bullies. Before my quirk manifested they weren't that bad, it was easy to deal with them. They just talked to one another while looking in my direction, or say meaningless, empty insults.

Then one day...

"Give it back, please," I ask nicely to Musume, the leader of the bullies, she just took the book I was reading.
"Hahahaha...and why would I give it to you, nerd. Your four years old, a year younger than me, and you're spending your time reading? pathetic," The mean girl said  in a mocking tone.
"I like to read. Could you please give me back my book, now?" I respond politely.
" way, nerd!" Musume mocks and then opens my book and rips a few of the pages.
My eyes widen.

She destroyed my book...

My bangs cover my eyes. I feel myself get mad. I almost never get mad.


Mystical purple and red magic begin to swirl around my hands...

I slowly raise my hands towards Musume...

Musume and her group's eyes widen...

I then blast the mean girl into the wall so hard she gets knocked out!

The other girls screamed and ran away shouting,
"She's a villain!"
"She's a demon!"
"She's a witch!"
"Burn her!!!"
"Stop her heroes!"

They later told all the other kids a twisted version of what happened. I never understood why the group of bullies acted the way they acted...

I guess they just want to me mean...

When my quirk manifested...
When the bullies spread rumors...
I lost all my friends...

I tried to tell people the truth...but they didn't believe me...

After my quirk manifested and the bullies spread those rumors...
I was treated poorly...
The other kids were scared of me...
They hated me...
They all began to bully me...
When I went to school they started beating me up...
Because they knew I wouldn't fight back...

"What are you gonna do? Knock me back into a wall and knock me out?'re too weak to do're a're're a villain...and one will be put in prison with all the other filthy villains..." Musume and her friends would say in a mean tone.

"What did I do...?"I would whimper a few of the first times.

"You existed, you piece of sh#t!"

I would just curl up into a ball and take it...
I don't want to hurt anyone...
Even if they were hurting me...
I didn't want to hurt them...
I don't want to be evil...
I don't want to be a villain...

They called me names...
They wrote terrible things on my desk...
They put a flower on my desk everyday before school...

This is...all because of this stupid quirk...

I want to become a hero...
To prove that this quirk isn't prove I'm not a villain...

Like my grandmother and aunt...

My grandmother became a doctor after getting a permit to use her quirk...

My aunt became a normal brewer and people would come to her if they needed a potion or something along the lines of that after getting a permit to use her quirk...

I'm going to become a hero...
That will be my way to contribute to proving this quirk isn't evil...

It doesn't matter if I'm number one or not...

I just don't want me or anyone else in my family to be labeled as a villain...

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