Chapter 5- Combat Training

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The next day of school is relatively normal...until Basic Hero Training.
Uncle Toshi comes through the door saying,
"I AM...Coming through the door like a normal person!"

Really, Uncle Toshi? This isn't the first time you've done this...but it is pretty silly...

Everyone in class start freaking out because it's All Might.

Why is Midoriya fanboying? Hasn't he been hanging out with Uncle Toshi for like...three months?

Uncle Toshi then steps us to the podium and explains that we will be having combat training. He then pushes a button and multiple suitcases with numbers on the come out of the wall.
"You get to wear your hero costumes!" Uncle Toshi exclaims.
Everyone in class, including me, cheers.

My costume is black jeans, black knee-high boots, a black tank top, and a black leather jacket, and short black gloves. I have a black utility belt that holds items for quick spells, rituals, and extra bullets. I have a gun strapped to my left thigh, and I have a magic knife strapped to my right thigh. The knife is enchanted with a spell that will stay bound to me and only me. So, no one can pick up the knife and use it unless I allow them to. The gun can't fly out of it's straps because it's in a box thing. I also have a ball and chain. The ball is at both ends of the chain and has spikes on it. The chain is wrapped around my body in a way that won't be in convent. I have my hair in a ponytail. I am wearing a white mask with black eye holes and a large black open mouth smile. (A/N: Think of Puppet from fnaf's mask except it doesn't have red cheeks and purple tears)

I join the rest on the class on Ground B where Uncle Toshi is explaining the rules,
"The class will be broken into teams of twelve, half heroes and half villains. Villains will guard a nuclear weapon they intend on deploying and the heroes must stop their scheme. If the heroes capture the villains or reach the nuclear core before time runs out, they win. If the villains manage to keep the nuclear core for the whole time or they capture the heroes, they win."
The teams are draw by lots. I am on team with someone named Kirishima. We are up against some people named Todoroki and Shouji.

"Not to be rude or anything...but...who's Kirishima? I still don't know everyone," I ask Uncle Toshi.
"Young Kirishima! Please raise your hand so your teammate can find you!" Uncle Toshi calls out.
"Here! I'm Kirishima!" Exclaims a boy with spiky red hair.
I walk over to him.
"Hello, Kirishima," I say.
"Hi! You must be Y/N! Umm...why the mask?" Kirishima asks.
"Reasons...I just feel better with it on...would you like to discuss strategy?" I reply then ask.
"Yeah," Kirishima replies.
"Oh yeah! Who are Todoroki and Shouji?" I ask Kirishima.
"I think they are Todoroki and Shouji," Kirishima replies pointing to a boy with half white half red hair and a boy with a mask and multiple arms.
"Hmm..." I hum, thinking of a strategy.

Y/N and Kirishima watched Bakugo And Midoriya's fight (I just don't want to write it) and Kirishima had the same reaction as everyone else, Y/N just watched it with a blank face. It didn't bother her. She'd seen worse...

That was a long match...I hope Midoriya is alright...I can ask Recovery Girl later...

It's time for my match. Kirishima and I are the villains. I look out the window and see Todoroki and Shouji enter the building. I hear freezing.
"Kirishima guard the weapon, I'll take care of the heroes," I say and leave to go hold off the "heroes".
I hold my hands together and mutter a fire spell while running,
"Here and now
I evoke the elemental force of Fire.
The flames of creativity and passion,
dancing source of heat, light, and life.
I seek the glowing forge within
that I might warm myself with
Desire, excitement, courage, and inspiration.
I call you forth to burn away
all that impedes my highest vision
And to enact change in the world.
Lighting and Hearth
Heart and Forge
Fire, I call thee hence."

I spot Todoroki and sneak up behind him. I take off my gloves, my hands ignite. I burn Todoroki' ice. He finally notices me and tries to freeze me in place. I burn the ice and run at Todoroki. He tries to freeze me but I jump over him and then take out the capture tape. I tie him up. I spot Shouji out of the corner of my eye and use my ball and chain to pull him towards me. I then tie him up. I use the ear piece to contact Kirishima,
"I have them both tied up."
"Awesome!" I hear Kirishima cheer.
"THE VILLAINS WIN!!!" I hear Uncle Toshi exclaim over the speaker.
I untie Todoroki and Shouji.
"Good battle," I say with a small smile, although they can't see my face, and stick my hand out for them to shake. Todoroki just looks at my hand and walks away. Shouji shakes my hand and replies,
"Good Battle."
We all go back to watch the other matches.
"YOU'RE USING FIRE NOW!!!????!" Bakugo yells shouts at me as soon as I enter the observation area.
"I can use fire...if I'm up against someone who has an ice quirk it only makes sense to use fire..." I reply.
Bakugo scoffs and walks away.
"" Kirishima ask.
I take off my mask so Kirishima can see my face.
"'re the girl who can use teleportation and wind. Wait...FIRE!?!?" Kirishima recognizes me and exclaims.
I nod my head.
"What else can you do?" Kirishima asks.
"A lot..." I respond and shrug.
Kirishima doesn't ask anymore questions and we both watch the rest of the matches.

The end of the day is finally here! I walk over to the 1-C classroom and look for Shinso. I spot him and walk over.
"Hi, Shinso! How was school?" I ask.
" sound like my mom. It was okay. Very long..." Shinso replies.
I nod in response.
We start walking to my house.
"What did you do today?" Shinso asks.
I explain what went down.
"Woah...that sounds awesome..." Shinso replies when I finish talking.
"Well, were at my house. Goodbye, Shinso! See you tomorrow morning!" I say and walk towards my door m.
"Bye, Y/N! See you in the morning!" Shinso waves bye and goes to his house.

What an eventful day...

A/N: Hello~ Everyone~
I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! Bye~Bye~

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