Chapter 7- Attack

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"Next, you all will participate in a rescue exercise for your Basic Hero Training class. Suit up and board the bus to head off to an off-campus location for the exercise," Uncle Aizawa explains.

All of us suit up and head on the bus. Iida had set up a seating chart, but that was a waste of time because the bus had a different layout than what Iida planed. I have a window seat to myself. I stare out the window and block out everyone's conversation.
When we get off the bus, we are greeted by Thirteen. Uncle Toshi was supposed to join, but was probably caught up with something. Thirteen and Uncle Aizawa start to explain where we are and what we will be doing. The place we are at is called the U.S.J.

I sense that dark force again...

Suddenly, Thirteen and Uncle Aizawa's explaining is cut off when a large, dark, purple portal appears and villains come out.
"We did all this work to bring everyone here and take down All Might...but it appears he's no where to be seen...what a shame..." A person with hands all over his body says.
Some one with the hand guy said All Might was supposed to be teaching this class from what the schedule said.
" wonder if the symbol of peace will come once all the students are murdered...?" The hand guy with blue hair ponders.
I quietly walk over to Uncle Aizawa and gently tug his jacket sleeve,
"Uncle Aizawa, I sense this is the same evil force that broke in earlier..."
Uncle Aizawa looks down at me, nods, and motions for me to go back with the other students.
"Thirteen, protect the students!" Uncle Aizawa tells Thirteen while putting on his goggles and grabbing his scarf, preparing to fight.
"But, Mr. Aizawa! You're fighting style is stealth, sneaking up and attacking! Not hand to hand combat!" Midoriya exclaims worried.
"A one-trick pony can't be a good hero," Uncle Aizawa replies and jumps into battle.
A group of villains with guns go after Uncle Aizawa, but he cancels out each of their quirks and takes them down with his scarf. The villains recognize Aizawa, so a mutant villain attacks Uncle Aizawa next. Uncle Aizawa takes him down using his scarf and distance.
"Come on, everyone!" Thirteen yells.
We all follow Thirteen towards the exit, but we are stopped when a dark purple fog/mist/thing appears in front of us. They introduce themselves as a member of "The League of Villains" and tells us their mission was to kill All Might. Bakugo and Kirishima then try to attack the villain.


The dark purple fog the envelopes everyone. I close my eyes.

I slowly open my eyes. I am now in an area with trees.

That villain's quirk must be something like a warp gate...they teleported all those villains here...and teleported me here...

I look through some of the trees and I see the center of U.S.J, I see Aizawa fighting the villains.

I'm still in U.S.J...I think the villain teleported everyone to different sections of the U.S.J so we couldn't work together...I hope everyone else is doing okay...I should help Uncle Aizawa...

I quietly walk towards the end of the trees.  Uncle Aizawa is doing really well taking down villains. I step out of the trees and get spotted by a few villains. I quickly use my ball and chain to pull, two of them at a time, towards me to knock out by either kicking them in the head or knocking their heads together. Uncle Aizawa notices me and sees that I have everything under control. He nods and continues fighting like he was doing.
A villain then grabs the one of the ends of my chain and yanks me towards them. I quickly spin around and kick them in the face. They fall back and let go of my chain. I then take out my gun and shoot booth of their legs. I put the gun back in the container strapped to my thigh.
I turn my head and see Uncle Aizawa going after the blue haired, hand guy.

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