Chapter 16-Missions-Part 2

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"So...any ideas?" I ask Uncle Aizawa.

"Is that a f##king dragon!?!" Uncle Aizawa exclaims.

"I think so...Anyway, I take it you don't have plan?"

"Oh, right...we should probably contact other pro-heroes," Uncle Aizawa suggests.

"Good idea, you contact them and then join me when you're finished," I agree and get ready to jump to another rooftop.

"Where are you going?" Uncle Aizawa asks.

"I'm going to hold them off until the pro-heroes get here," I reply like it's nothing.

Uncle Aizawa hesitates and then takes out his phone to contact other pro-heroes.

I hop off of the rooftop I was on and land in an alleyway.

Okay...I should probably take out the dragon first...also I need to be sneaky...the human villain appears to be sending sound waves that knock people back...hmm...what's around here...

Air? Yes...

Fire? Probably the dragon can breath fire...

Water? Not really...

Earth? Not really...

I think air is the only one I'm sure about...Okay, I know what to do...

I put my hands together and mutter,
"Here and Now,
I invoke the elemental force of air.
I call to the summer breeze and the roaring wind.
To the echoing song and the lifting wings.
You that is ever dancing.
You that teaches lessons of the invisible.
You that topples trees.
I call you here
to infuse my intention with your swirling gifts.
I call you near to sing the spirit wind.
Carry my will on your back
and raise my purpose into your sky.
Beach and Cloud
Sound and Song
Air, I call to thee"

I then look for a hiding spot behind the guitar villain and dragon. I spot an alley way.


I then teleport to that spot. I wasn't spotted. I then create a ball of wind between my hands. The dragon slowly turns their head around and notices me.


I then blast the wind at the dragon. It gets knocked back some. The guitar villain notices me,
"Well...Well look what we have here, Fang. A little girl trying to play hero...Hahahaha...I suggest you run along now before you get hurt."

This guy sounds British...and French...Also who's Fang? The dragon?

I get into a fighting stance.

"Oh~ Well alright then...TAKE THIS!" The villain then blasts me with sound waves coming from his guitar.
I quickly teleport away, to a nearby alleyway.
"Come out, Come out where ever you are~" I hear the guitar villain say.

Okay...he's after me...good...

I then blast the guitar out of the villains hands, still using wind. I look at the dragon. It appears to be sniffing. It then turns my way, sniffing. The dragon spots me, it opens it's mouth, and fire came out of it. I quickly use the wind to carry me up and away from the fire. I land on a roof two seconds before the spell wears off.

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