Chapter 4- First Day at U.A.

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I open my eyes. It's morning. I get up and get ready for my first day at U.A. I go to the kitchen and eat a red bean pancake. I also grab my lunch and head out the door.

I am currently standing in front of the door of class 1-A

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I am currently standing in front of the door of class 1-A.
I take a deep breath and enter.
I am greeted by a boy with glass yelling at a boy with ash blond hair to get his feet off the desk.
I avert my eyes from the situation and start looking for an empty seat. I spot one next to a person with a bird head.

I sense darkness coming from them...

I shrug it off and walk over and sit at the desk. The bird person looks over at me and introduces themselves,
"Hello. My name is Fumikage Tokoyami."
"My name is Y/N L/N...It's a pleasure to meet you." I reply.
"It's a pleasure to meet you as well," Tokoyami replies.
A dark shadow bird then comes out of Tokoyami.

That's what I was sensing...

"Hello, shadow..." I say.
The bird shadow gets really close to my face and then go back towards Tokoyami.
"I'm Dark Shadow!" Dark Shadow exclaims.
I nod in response.
I then see Uncle Aizawa enter the classroom. Everyone quiets down.

Uncle Aizawa takes us to an area behind the school and tells us we are going to be doing a Quirk Apprehension Test, to test our quirks since we couldn't use our quirks in middle school.
"Also, there person who does the worst will be expelled," Uncle Aizawa says in his monotone voice.
Everyone freaks out, except for me. I know Uncle Aizawa does this to his students every year.

This happens every year...still...I'm nervous...but...I don't think I can fail that bad...hopefully...

The feet on desk kid was used as an example. He was given a ball and told to throw it. The boy said without his quirk he could throw the ball about 64 meters. The boy then uses his quirk, which is apparently the ability to blow stuff up, and throws the ball 700 meter.
Everyone "ooo"s and "ahhh"s.
The first test was a race. I used a spell I mastered a long time ago, teleportation, to get three seconds.

My teleportation works by me at creating a magical sphere that looks like an eye, it is dark cyan colored, and then I can direct it to anywhere I can see. I can't teleport specific objects, I can only teleport myself and what or whoever I'm touching that I want to teleport with me.

The final test is the pitching test. A girl with brown hair gets infinity because she used her quirk, which is apparently the ability to turn off an object or person's gravity. I go next. I think for a moment.

What should I do...I can't use teleportation...I know! I can use the element air!

I close my eyes and put my hands together. I mutter under my breath,
"Here and Now,
I invoke the elemental force of air.
I call to the summer breeze and the roaring wind.
To the echoing song and the lifting wings.
You that is ever dancing.
You that teaches lessons of the invisible.
You that topples trees.
I call you here
to infuse my intention with your swirling gifts.
I call you near to sing the spirit wind.
Carry my will on your back
and raise my purpose into your sky.
Beach and Cloud
Sound and Song
Air, I call to thee"

Sliver magic then begins to swirl around my hand. I then have wind swirl around my hand and throw the ball, using the wind to make it go as far as it can. I stop using the wind I was created and let the ball do its thing. It went 10, 000 meters.
Everyone was shocked and surprised.
"I thought your quirk was teleportation!" I hear the ash blond, I now as Bakugo, yell.

He looks mad...

" isn't?" I say unsure, shrugging.

"Why you little!!!!" Bakugo screams running at me.
Aizawa stops Bakugo with his scarf.
"Calm down. Midoriya your turn," Aizawa says.
The boy named Midoriya goes to the circle on the ground. He then throws the ball using his quirk, breaking his finger.

Oh yeah...I almost forgot Uncle Toshi found a good successor for One for All...that's him...neat...

"YOU HAD A QUIRK THIS WHOLE TIME!!!!" Bakugo shouts at Midoriya.

"Wow...he has less patience than me on my period..." I mumble under my breath.
The brown haired girl who got the infinite throw in pitching, giggled.
"You got that right," She whispers.
A girl with her black hair in a ponytail mutters, "Agreed..."
"I'm Ochako Uraraka," The brown haired girl introduces herself.
"Y/N L/N...nice to meet you, Uraraka," I respond.
"I'm Momo Yaoyorozu," The girl with the ponytail says.
"Y/N L/'s nice to meet you,also, Yaoyorozu," I respond.

Later, we were shown our scores. I was in first place.

Woah...I did pretty okay...

Midoriya was in last place, but he wasn't expelled. Uncle Aizawa said that he said that just to get us to try our hardest.
Midoriya fainted.
Uncle Aizawa dismissed the class and we all went home. I walked over to the class 1-C area and look around for Shinso. I decide to pull out my phone and text him.
Me: Hey, Shinso
Me: Are you still at school?
I few seconds I get a response.
Shinso: Ya
Shinso: I'm getting my stuff
Shinso: I'm about to go home
Me: So you're still in the 1-C classroom?
Shinso: Ya, why?
Me: Come outside the classroom
Shinso: ...
Shinso: ...Ok...

Shinso then exits the classroom and looks around. I sneak up behind him and tap his shoulder. He spins around to face me. He smiles,
"Hey, Y/N."
"Hey, Shinso! How was your first day?"
"Very long...but nice...I guess..." Shinso replied.
"Oh...what did you do?" I ask.
"Nothing different from a normal day at school...Hey...Y/N...can...I...walk you home?" Shinso asks nervously.
"Sure! We can talk more," I reply giving him a reassuring smile.
I tell him about my first day when he asks and it takes the entire walk to explain...mainly because I kept getting off topic.
We reach my home and Shinso and I say goodbye to one another.
"Oh! Y/N..." Shinso stops me before I enter my house.
"Hm?" I hum in question.
"Can...we start walking to and from school together?" He asks nervously.
"Sure! Sounds like fun!" I reply.
He looks relieved.
"Cool...uh...See you in the morning, Y/N!" Shinso shout as he walks away.
"Bye, Shinso!" I shout back.

A/N: I don't know what to put here~~~~Hmm~~~~

A/N: I don't know what to put here~~~~Hmm~~~~

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