Chapter 20- Cuddles

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Shinso POV

Aizawa and I are currently at his house. We finished training a while ago and are just relaxing now. Y/N hasn't been around for a while though...

"Hey, Aizawa," I say, getting Aizawa's attention.

"Hm?" Aizawa hums.

"Where's Y/N?" I ask.

"She texted me and told me she was going to her house. She should be back soon, her mom texted me saying she was on her way back a while ago," Aizawa explains.

"How long ago?" I ask.

"It says the text was sent half an hour ago," Aizawa replies.

"How long does it take to walk from her house to her?" I ask.

"A little below an hour," Aizawa replies.

I nod.

So she should be here soon...

More than an hour later...

"Is Y/N taking a longer route?" I ask Aizawa.

"No...she is going to walk the same way she always does...I'm going to go look for her. It's been to long. Stay here, I'll be right back," Aizawa says walking towards the door.

"I'm coming with you," I state, getting and following him out the door.

Aizawa looks and me asks,

"Because Y/N means a lot to me and I don't really know what I'd do if something terrible happened to her," I explain.

Aizawa looks at me and then starts walking away. He motions for me to follow him. We walk the route to Y/N's house from Aizawa's house. We haven't seen anything so far. We reach a bridge and I notice something on the ground. I pick it up and notice it's a phone charm, a cat phone charm to be exact.

Didn't Y/N have a cat phone charm...

I then hear Aizawa gasp. I look over to him and see he's looking over the side of the bridge. I put the charm in my pocket and walk over to him. I look over the side of the bridge into the water. My eyes widen at what I see.

There's a person!

Aizawa pulling the person out of the water with his scarf snapped me out of my trance. Once Aizawa pulled the person into the bridge I notice that the person is familiar. I look at there face and see...

"Y/N!" I shout, my eyes widening.

I get on to my knees and check her pulse.

There's no pulse.


My heart breaks.

I feel tears fill my eyes when...


"Get up! Your mission isn't over yet! There's still things that need to be solved in this story!" I hear a voice say.

I've never heard it before, but it sounds so...familiar...and who's Clementine?

"Get up! Finish this mission, Clementine!"

I slowly get up.

When I do I am suddenly in a tunnel of a thick, black liquid.

There is a bright light at the end.

I go to the light.

Everything is black now.

I think my eyes are closed...

I slowly open my eyes. I then start coughing. I notice I'm on a bridge and I look forward to see a surprised Uncle Aizawa and wide eyed Shinso.

"Y/N!" Shinso exclaims, a bright smile suddenly on his face. He pulls me into a hug and I immediately hug him back. I'm freezing cold and his hug is so warm.

Uncle Aizawa checks my pulse, temperature, etc. The entire time Shinso refuses to let go of me. Aizawa says,
"She somehow seems to be alright...Let's get her back home."

We all walk back to Uncle Aizawa's house. Shinso had his arm wrapped around me the whole time. It's like he was afraid of letting me go.

When we reached Uncle Aizawa's house, Uncle Aizawa checked my pulse, temperature, etc. again until he was 80% sure I was okay. Uncle Aizawa also got my a blanket, and before I could wrap it around me, Shinso wrapped it around me. He still seemed to be sacred to leave my side.

Eventually, Uncle Aizawa went to bed. I went to my room, but Shinso followed me. I gently push him out of the room and close then lock the door. I get changed into my pajamas and unlock the door. Shinso enters, closing the door behind him.

" alright?" I quietly ask Shinso.

"Are you alright?" Shinso asks me in return.

I nod.

I walk over to my bed and sit down. Shinso sits down beside me. I pull him into a hug. He hugs back immediately.

"Hitoshi...what's wrong?" I ask softly.

Shinso just hugs me tighter in response.

Wait...does he not like the fact that I almost died?

Shinso falls sideways onto the bed, pulling me down with him. He lays his head on my pillow and hugs me closer to him.

Oh...I think he wants to cuddle...

I snuggle into his chest and close my eyes. I feel Shinso pull the covers over us. I'm not sure when exactly, but I fall into a deep sleep, cuddled up against Shinso.

Hitoshi Shinso POV

"Hitoshi...what's wrong?" Y/N asks softly.

I was afraid I lost you...

I hug Y/N tighter in response.

I want to cuddle...but I'm unsure how to ask...hmm...

I began to slowly lay on the bed, dragging Y/N down with me. Y/N gets the idea and snuggles into my chest. I carefully pull the covers over Y/N and I. I mainly just lay there, running my fingers through Y/N's soft hair. She eventually falls asleep.

I'm not sure what go me to say this, but when Y/N was asleep and couldn't hear me, I lightly kissed her forehead and whispered,
"I was afraid I'd lost you...there's so much I still want to learn about many things I want us to do together...I'm more than glad you're still here...I love you..."

A/N: New chapter! Yay! It's been a while because I'm working on a few other things...haha;;

Anyway! Have a great day/night whoever is reading this!😊

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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