Chapter 13- Shinso vs Midoriya

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After running away from Todoroki And Midoriya, I ran into Shinso.
"Hey, Y/N!" Shinso waved.
I stopped running,
"Hey, Hitoshi! Good job, so far!" I reply.
"Thanks," Shinso said.
"So...I know you might not want to answer this, and you don't have to...I just would like to know! What is your quirk? It appears to be super useful, seeing as how far you've gotten," I ask, carefully.
"Oh...umm...Do you promise you won't think of me differently, if I tell you?"

Shinso looks and sounds really nervous.

"Of course! I promise!" I reply with a comforting smile.

Shinso looks at me and gives me a forced, small smile.

"Woah...THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!!" I exclaim with star-filled eyes.

"What...?" Shinso looks surprised.

I clam down.
"Sorry...How does your quirk work?" I ask after apologizing.

"Oh...umm...If I hear someone respond to me I can brainwash them..." Shinso explains nervously.


"You aren't scared?" Shinso questions, looking surprised and confused.

"No...Why would I be?" I ask.

"Well...what if I used my quirk on you? Isn't it a villain quirk?" Shinso mumbles, looking kind of sad.

"I don't think you're the type of person to do that," I reply to Shinso in a serious tone, with a serious look on my face.


"I don't think you're the type of person to just use your quirk whenever you want...Unless it's a competition or you're fighting a villain, of course," I explain.
"Plus..." I continue, pulling Shinso into a hug, I wrap my non-injured arm around his waist.
"You're still Shinso Hitoshi, my good friend! I know you, and I trust you! I don't really see any reason to think of you as a villain, or any reason to see you as nothing but a wonderful, future hero!" I finish speaking, looking up at him with a genuine smile on my face.

Shinso looks down at me and returns my genuine smile with a genuine smile himself. He wraps his arms around me and buries his face in my hair. Shinso then whispers,
"Thank you..."

"For what?" I ask.

"For not changing your opinion about me..." Shinso mumbles, "For being you..."

I feel my ears hear up.

We hug for a while, until it's time for the first battle to start.

Shinso Hitoshi vs. Izuku Midoriya

I give Shinso another quirk hug before we part ways and tell him,
"Good luck!"

I am up in the commentator's booth with Uncle Mic and Uncle Aizawa.

(A/N: Here's what I'm gonna do...because I don't remember how a bunch of the battles went down and I too lazy to watch through...I'm gonna just type Y/N's comments about the battle and a few things that happen...See you at the end of the chapter!!!!)

"Wow! Hitoshi's quirk is amazing!" I say to only Uncle Mic and Aizawa.
I am sitting a little ways away from the microphone so I don't accidentally show my opinion on who I want to win.

Go, Hitoshi!!!!!

Then all of a sudden...I see shadows. I can sense, Midoriya can also see them.

Is that...

Midoriya then breaks one of his fingers, causing the brainwashing to break.

"WHAT!!!" I exclaim, surprised.

I look over to where the past One For All heroes were, they're gone.

Okay...that's...I should take note of that...

Soon, Midoriya throws Shinso out of bounds.
"The winner is Izuku Midoriya!" I shout into the microphone.

"Uncle Aizawa..." I began to ask.
"I don't know..." Uncle Aizawa responds.
"I'm going to go check on, Hitoshi..." I say to Uncle Aizawa and Uncle Mic.
"Oh~ Are you going to comfort your boyfriend~" Uncle Mic teases.

Ever since the Shinso vs Midoriya fight started, and I was cheering for Shinso, Uncle Mic has been teasing me constantly...

"Goodbye, Present Mic," I say with annoyance in my tone.
"Oh no! I've been downgraded! I'm not longer Uncle!!!" Present Mic acts sad, dramaticly.
I stiff a laugh.
"Hey, Y/N," Uncle Aizawa says.
"Hm?" I hum.
"When the sports festival is over, could you tell Shinso to meet me here?" Uncle Aizawa asks.
"Sure...but why?" I question.
"I might tell you later," Uncle Aizawa replies.

I then leave to go find Shinso. I see him crowded in the middle of a crowd of students. They are all telling him how great of a job he did.

Hmm...maybe I should go back...he appears to have plenty of people complimenting and comforting him...

I turn around and start walking back to the commentator booth. Then I hear,
"Y/N! Wait!"
I turn around and see Shinso running towards me.
"Hey, Hitoshi! I came to say my thoughts on the battle, but it appears you have plenty of other people doing that...Bye!" I say and then turn around again to leave.
"Y/N..." I hear Shinso say.
"Hm?" I hum, turning around to face him.
"Umm..." Shinso hesitates, I'm not sure why.

Does he need a hug? I know he really wanted to win the battle...and he must feel at least a little sad about losing the battle, despite all of the people praising him...

I walk over to him and hug him. I wrap my non-injured arm around his neck and snuggle my face into his chest. I then feel Shinso warp his arms around my waist and rest his chin on my head.
"Thanks..." Shinso says.

I am then reminded of something,
"Anytime...also Uncle Aizawa told me he wanted to see you after the sports festival."
"In the commentator booth," I reply.
" you know why?"
"No, he said he might tell me later."
"I see..."
"The next match will start soon...I should probably get going," I say, pulling away from the hug.
"Do you have to...?" Shinso mumbles quietly, so quiet that I even I can barely hear him.
"Yeah...I gotta commentate! Oh! Also, I didn't really say much during your battle, because I'm supposed to commentate with an unbiased opinion," I tell Shinso.
"Oh? Who were you rooting for?" Shinso asks.

Is he just asking this to be asking this? I think it's clear who I was rooting for...

"Who do you think, silly?" I ask with a playful smile.
"" Shinso replies, unsure.
"Yep!" I exclaim with a bright smile.
Shinso smiles.
We say goodbye to one another and head our separate ways.

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