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We are both silent as we walk towards the kitchen.

I roll my eyes as he plops down in my favorite chair and spins around.

"It's nice to see that you've made yourself at home."
I say sarcastically, moving around to tidy up a bit.

I didn't think I'd have any visitors today, I would have cleaned up before I left the house.

"Oh, yes. You have a very lovely home, sugar."
He sighs, resting his elbows on the countertop.

A shiver runs down my spine.


I've never been called sugar before.

It leaves me feeling all tingly.

I say quietly.


"Tiara, you've got to have more self confidence."
He clears his throat.

I immediately groan.

"I'm not about to have this talk with you out of all people."
I scoff, blushing at just the thought.

I don't need a damn life coach.

Especially not one so attractive.

"My friend told me you were gorgeous. That you have very dark and pretty eyes. That's all I allowed her to tell me. I wanted to know."
He hesitates to say.

"I want you to tell me the rest."

I scowl.

"Why should it even matter? It shouldn't matter how your friend looks. Isn't the point of friendship to accept somebody for who they are? Isn't it about the personality?"
I rant, folding my arms.

He doesn't say anything.

"Right. Nice talk."
I mutter, waving him off.

"You have quite the temper, Tiara. I've got to say, it's quite amusing."
He comments.

Then he has the audacity to smirk.

Like who the hell does his sexy ass think he is, smirking at me like that?

I feel my face get all hot.

"Well I'm glad that you think it's funny. Get out of my apartment."
I demand.

He stands up with a loud sigh.

"Why are you mad because I'm curious? You have no idea what it's like to meet new people and not be able to see them."
He says quietly.

Now I'm the one who is silent.

He has a point there.

There is awkward silence.

He sighs again.

"Look, I promised the kid ice cream."
He says, brushing past me.

I just stand there and scowl.

Because he's right and I'm wrong.

And I feel bad for getting mad.




"There you go, lîttle buddy."
Î coo, handîng Puck one of hîs favorîte îced watermelon stîcks.

Î dîdn't want hîm to feel left out whîle we ate îce cream so Î pîcked up a couple on the way over here.

Tîara has been sîlent the whole walk.

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