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*Mature content*


Î peek around the corner, smîlîng when Î see Tîara playîng wîth lîttle Goldîe.

We îmmedîately fell în love wîth the lîttle golden retrîever, she's such a lîttle ball of energy.

Puck îs a lîttle cautîous but Î'm sure he'll warm up to her soon.

Î don't thînk her taîl has stopped waggîng sînce we brought her home.

She's got these lîttle adorable eyes....Î just love dogs.

"You stayîng the nîght agaîn?"
Î ask quîetly, stuffîng my hands înto my pockets.

She looks up at me.
"What tîme îs ît?"

"Too late for you to be drîvîng. Stay here wîth me and the puppy."
Î say anxîously.

Puck screeches.

"And the monkey."
Î add.

She raîses an eyebrow, standîng up reluctantly.

"Î thînk Î'm goîng to head out, actually."
She folds her arms behînd her back.

Î rub my neck nervously, watchîng her eye up my chest.

"Î was thînkîng...."

"Î'm not havîng sex wîth you, Quîncy. Î know that look anywhere."
She says sternly.

"Oh come on baby...Daddy's în a mood."
Î bîte my lîp, walkîng în slowly.

She waîts untîl Î've got her trapped by the door to say anythîng.

"Not my problem, tootîe fruîty."

All Î can do îs stare as she pokes my chest.

Î frown.

"Dîd you just call me tootîe fruîty?"
Î questîon.

She shrugs.

"Ît sounded better în my head."

"Well you sound better în my bed."
Î drawl, leanîng în.

She stops me wîth a raîsed eyebrow.

"Are you serîous?"

"Baby! Î'm not fuckîng around, îf neîther of us are în that bed fuckîng each other's braîns out în the next 30 mînutes, Î'm throwîng myself out of that wîndow and Î'm not playîng."
Î hîss, restîng my hands on her hîps.

"Î don't thînk we should fuck each other's braîns out, you barely have anythîng în there, honey."
She teases, tappîng my head.

"That's ît."
Î growl, easîly tossîng her over my shoulder.

"You bîg jerk, you dîdn't even ask for consent! Stop beîng so bîg all the tîme!"
She starts pînchîng my back wîth her lîttle sharp naîls.

"Refraîn from scratchîng my back. Î don't want bruîses. Though ît would look badass, ît wîll hurt."
Î'm sayîng as Î walk towards my room.

"Puck, stay up here and watch tv wîth Goldîe. Make sure you turn ît up loud, mommy and daddy are goîng to play."
Î call out over my shoulder before slammîng the door shut.

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