Chapter Twenty

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         At Danielle-Dae Young House...


     Sighing, I run my hand through my hair. "Jen I think I'll be fine, I've been hanging around them enough that I think I'll be fine without you. And you've got practice today with the girls. I'll be fine." I said trying to reassure my worrying sister. It was Saturday afternoon, I was by myself at the house, and the boys kept blowing up my phone asking for me to come over to hang out. Said they were gonna order some takeout tonight, and wanted to watch movies/play video games.

    I had nothing else better to do around the house. So since they kept blowing up my phone I said yes, their leader Namjoon a.k.a Rap Monster, had been kind and texted me the address to the BTS house. So I had texted Guk to come and watch Min-Min, and she was on her way. Jenni had called me and asked if I was going, because I had told her Tuesday about them asking me. I had told her yes and she was concerned so she said she was gonna go too, but as I spent time with the boys during the week ... I had started to grow a bit fond of them.

    I was starting to trust them and I figured I'd be okay on my own. I had taken my medicine, and I was packing a seditive or two in my bag. Just in case. "Are you sure? I can go with and be with you, Dani I'm just not sure you should be going on your own." Jenni said. "Jen, you've got to stop babying me. I promise I'll be fine and I can handle myself." I said. Going up my stairs I walked into my room, and went to the closet. "I'm sorry it's just I don't think going by yourself is the best thing, plus their gonna be eating human food and you don't eat it a whole lot unless it has blood. If you do without it it'll make you sick. They'll get suspicious." Jenni said warning.

   "Jen I'll be fine I promise, and I'll just tell them I ate at home. Or I'll use that special diet lie that Mr. Lee keeps putting on that paper." I said. Walking into my closet I wondered on what to wear. I wanted to look good,"Are you sure you've got it? Because I can head to your place real quick." Jenni said. "Jen I'm fine, I'm gonna be okay I've got things handed. I promise I'll be fine. I'll text you when I get back home, now I gotta get ready. You need to go to practice! I'll talk to you later, tell the girls I said hi and I love you! Bye Jen!" I said hanging up.

     I tossed my phone on my bed and then I went back to what I should wear, I had no clue. Wait ... Hold on, it's fall so maybe I can. I grab some boots, jeans, shirt, and a cardigan. I change out of my comfy clothes, and slid on my dark blue high waisted ripped skinny jeans along with my tight white crop top that covered my stomach hut not the jeans, and I then slid on my blackish grey long sleeve knee-length cardigan. Grabbing some socks I put them on, then I put on my light brown 3-inch rider boots. I run to my bathroom and quickly do two braids going to the back of my head, leaving the rest of my hair down.

    I grab a hairband and take the two ends of the braids, pulling them into a small ponytail. Then pulling out two long strings of hair out and leaving out my bangs. I quickly do some slight makeup, mixing a dark brown and golden for eyeshadow and then applying dark red lipstick. I looked at myself and thought I looked somewhat decent. My shirt was probably showing a little of my cleavage, though if I keep it up I think I'll be fine. I walk out grabbing my phone, and my car keys.

   Grabbing my purse, putting my phone in then I walked out with Min-Min on my heels. She barked and barked trying to get my attention like crazy. As I was rushing out, I nearly ran into Guk and I told her the usual. That I'd be back later and then she went in, leaving me to run to my car. I don't even know why I'm rushing ... It's not like I like any of them like that.   But I am always on time for things ... I'm never ever late. Hell, I'm never even late on my period which reminds me I'll be queen b*tch here soon so they may wanna watch out.

    I get in my car and start driving to the address. As the week had passed things seemed to get easier, choreography was more fun, and doing vocals with them was fun too. Hell yeah their amazing dancers, and JungKook can hit that high note that I wanna hit so badly! He said he'd teach me because in one of my other songs I plan on writing, when this is over, I plan to hit that high note! I'm going to get it! But yeah, we would goof around with the choreography and during vocals we would joke around.

   Though everytime I would do a move that involved moving my body a bit sexually, I felt eyes watching me. It bothered me a bit making me panic a bit, but then I would call because some part of me loved it. Again, I think it's just the horny vampire in me, Sydney was probably right. I probably am going into heat, or maybe it was mating season? But I definitely know it's not me finding a mate. Though, I've looked up some of the signs and maybe I am?

    Apparently some of the signs for me since I'm still a young vampire, their unusual ones. For a young vampire like me .. it's hard to find a soulmate, because there are signs but we never see them in time. Then when we have the chance it's too late. I kinda care though because maybe Jenni was right? Maybe this time I'm getting a chance to find someone who will maybe accept me? But again I'm not sure. The signs for young vampires are well they get this aroma that is of their soulmate, it's a specific aroma that will drive them nuts.

    They'll also be able to tell when their soulmate is around, well, kinda they will unless the bond is completely. When you touch someone, it doesn't have to be an intimate touch just like a accident bump or anything that's skin on skin contact, you'll feel these small sparks of pleasure. But when you complete the bond it's suppose to be more of an amazing feeling ... Yet the completion of the bond is well ... Sex. Just sex in general. But I don't know if it's something I'm ready for, and I need to stop thinking of that. Get it out of your head Dani!

    Sighing, I manage to find the place and I look at the building. Wow, well this is impressive. I pull into a parking stop, and get out of my car. But not before putting on my mouth mask and sunglasses. I walk to the front door and waited, as I did I was sighing  wondering if this is the right thing. Is it really okay for me to be hanging out with them with my condition? I've been fine, getting to know them slowly and actually having fun. My panic attacks have lessened. I don't freak out as much when I talk to JungKook, and I start to see him as something different.

     Chewing slightly on the inside of my lip, I heard the door open and there stood Hoseok smiling brightly. "Miss Young! You made it!" He said excitedly. "Yeah, of course I would. And I'm sorry if I may be late, I was talking with my sister and she wouldn't get off the phone." I said explaining. "It's fine, your not late and there wasn't even a set time. But come on in, we're all getting the movies and games out and ready." Hoseok said again smiling cheerily. I nodded, and I walked in as he closed the door.
  I slid off my shoes by the door, and I followed him down the hall, "Guys! Miss Young is here!" Hoseok shouted throughout the hall happily. He was practically bouncing off the walls. "Hoseok, you don't have to keep calling me Miss Young. You guys can call me Danielle or Dani." I said chewing on my lip. He nodded, then we had made it to the living room where everyone was. Except for JungKook, and I wondered where he was. But ... I guess my night is gonna be busy.

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