9 : Could be worst ✌

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Valarie POV

It's been 2 years

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It's been 2 years . Me and Jordyn are now with our 5th owner . They send us as a pair . David sold us off . He said we weren't worth nothing to him no more , but that we will see him soon . I couldn't care less for him . Its his fault i lost the only thing i wanted to save for the guy i married . The only innocent part of me .

After finding myself all over again , I made a promise to myself. To never let event's affect me . I will never let anyone define me with their hateful words . Never allow anyone to tear my heart . I got a promise ring with the word's i promise to never loose myself .

 I got a promise ring with the word's i promise to never loose myself

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It's been good here . Me and Jordyn work as Nanny's for a baby girl aged 1 and a boy aged 6. 

Their parents are always fighting . The man is very abusive and the woman is very comprehensive and seems like she's used to it . She is very kind to us and the man is also kind sometimes .

He thought us to fight and protect ourselves . He always says "you'll thank me one day"

I miss Lorenzo , the guys , and Valarie . I hope they're doing okay .

After finding out Lorenzo was part of the mob and not to mention he would become the leader soon i decided on something . I would allow him to explain himself . If i don't see him ever again , i will die forgiving him for not telling me .

I was snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of Lilly crying . "Awww baby are you okay ?" I said lifting her and putting her on my laps .

 "Awww baby are you okay ?" I said lifting her and putting her on my laps

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               Lilly Marie Nash

She nodded her head and hugged me . "You want a snack?" I asked . Her little eyes lit up and she ran to the the kitchen . I chuckled and followed her .

I went into the Kitchen to see Jordyn and Antonio . Jordyn changed her hair it's now blonde . She seemed a little distant this week .

               Antonio Nash

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               Antonio Nash

"Hey there Antonio" i said "Hey mama" he said . He started calling me mama a little while ago . Rosie , their mother doesn't mind but i feel bad .

"Hello" i say . "Good morning Jordyn" i said looking at her. "Mornin' " is all she says as she keeps cooking breakfast .

There was glass shattering then 3 gun shots thrown . I grabbed a gun from the counter . "Stay here . Grab the other gun" i told Jordyn . She nodded and grabbed the kids .

I jogged upstairs to see Rosie laying on the floor with blood on her stomach. "Ohh my god Rosie !" I ran to her . She saw me and here eyes softened .

"T-take care of m-my babies . Run a-away . Go . Before he c-come back . P-please ." she said grabbing my hands .

"No im not leaving you" i said covering her wounds . "You d-don't have time . Grab money i have a c-couple thousands . Go before he kills y-you all. " she said then her eyes shut .

I checked her pulse and there was none . I got up and ran downstairs . "We have to go" i said . We grabbed the kids and ran outside to the car .

I got in and drove . I wasn't quite sure where i was driving but i kept driving . "What happened" said Jordyn hugging Antonio and Lilly. "Mr. Nash shot Rosie" i said .

"Stop the car" she said . I did as she said and she opened the door and threw up . "Ohh my God Jordyn are you okay ?" I said .

She sat up and whipped her mouth . She nodded as i kept driving .

We made it to a hotel and i carried Lilly out since she feel asleep . Antonio looked tired too .

"I want to get a room with two beds" i said to the woman . "Okay...." She said looking at me up and down .

I had a tank top on with sweats and some slides . "How many nights" she said chewing on her gum .

"A week" i said getting impatient . "That would be $2,100" she said . I got out the money Rosie got me . It was $10,000 . I gave the woman the exact money and she looked surprised .

She gulped and stood up . "You have room 207 . Second floor to the left" she said smiling . "Thank you" i said smiling then rolling my eyes .

We got to the room . It had two beds ,  a tv , and one restroom . "Go to bed Jordyn." I said . She nodded and got into a bed . I put Lilly in the other on and i saw Antonio yawning .

I went to him and carried him . "Go to sleep baby." I said shaping circles in his back . "Im not sleepy"he said quietly . I kept walking around until i heard small snores. I chuckled and laid him on the bed with Lilly.

"Im going to the store" i said to Jordyn in her ear "Okay" she said before going back to sleep . I then drove to the nearest mall .

I grabbed clothes for me , Lilly , Antonio , and Jordyn . While i was walking through the stores i thought to myself ..... I need to find a job .

As i was walking out i heard some drink splash on the floor . Then someone screamed "Valarie" i turned around but then i saw nobody . C'mon Valarie there are a million girls named Valarie i thought to myself .

I drove to the Hotel and got onto our room to find Jordyn crying .

I put the bags down and walked towards the bed she was laying in earlier . "What's wrong ?" I asked stroking her hair ."I need to tell you something" she said crying more .

"What is it ? " I asked

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