23 : Murderer 🔫

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Sebastian POV

They were taking forever so i headed down the hall

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They were taking forever so i headed down the hall .

I saw Valarie stabbing someone . Then i saw Jordyn unconscious on the floor .

"What happened?" I asked running towards Jordyn . "He was stabbing her when i came in check she's okay" she said . "Valarie stop i think he's dead" i said

"We need to get out"i said . I was already disguised as a body guard . "I'll say im taking her to her house . Boss sent me and that you're my girl" i said carrying Jordyn

Luckily nobody paid attention to us . I was speeding to the nearest hospital trying not to run over people .

"Hurry up!"screamed Valerie from the back seat were she had Jordyn . "We're here!" I said

I grabbed Jordyn and carried her in "Darekaga watashitachi o tasukemasu !!" I screamed . Doctors came running and took Jordyn from me .

They rushed her to an OR . "Ma'am , Sir this will take a while " said a Doctor "Do everything you have to do ." said Valarie .

Valarie looked sick . I sat with her as she put her head in my shoulder and started crying .

"Shh shh it's okay" i said runbing her arm "I need to call Denise" she said . I nodded since i know Jordyn would want them here .

She got up and all i heard was her saying Denise .

Valarie POV

It's been more than ten hours since they took Jordyn

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It's been more than ten hours since they took Jordyn . All i did was stare at the floor and watched feet walk by .

Then i saw four . I looked up to see two doctors . "How is she?" I asked . They had a sorry face on but i tried not to cry not yet .

"Jordyn suffered stab wounds all over her body . The knife hit her twice in the brain causing a brain bleed . Im very sorry but , we believe Jordyn is brain dead . " Said the doctor .

I just stared at her. Tears were streaming down my face , Sebastian tried to hug me but i pushed him away . I closed my eyes and breathed in and out . "Was there any way we could have stopped this from happening?" I asked "No , Valarie don't do that to yourself" said Sebastian . "No , there's nothing that could have stopped this. We have Jordyn in one of the rooms . Would you like to stop giving her life support ?" Asked the Doctor .

I walked away and sat down . I heard Sebastian tell her no that he would like for her friends to say goodbye . Right that moment Madelaine , Julian , Denise , and Yasmine walked in . They saw me and started crying .

It's pretty obvious something was wrong . My pale face was now red . Denise came to me but i pushed her away . I want to be alone .

I saw Sebastian making a call and so was Julian . They all sat around me and Denise was sobbing . Yasmine and Madelaine were hugging each other .

"We got them to allow us to take Jordyn back to Mexico ." said Sebastian . We all got up and i walked out out in to the car .

We drove straight to the airport . Jordyn would go on a airplane from the hospital. They said that they will put her in a room at the house so everyone can come and say goodbye .

·~·~··~·~·~11 hours later·~·~·~·~·~··

They were fixing Jordyn's room up i have yet to see her . Im too scared to see her . She's not going to have her normal glow . She won't smile and she's not even going to be able to open her eyes so i can see her beautiful hazel eyes .

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Instagram : cherrybby15

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