14 : Happiness ?? Nahhh...not for you 😙

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Valarie POV

Lorenzo made sure i was okay for the past week

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Lorenzo made sure i was okay for the past week . The guys apologized for what they said . Everything was going good . My babies got along with everyone .

I was now in my room getting ready . Nothing was really happening today. The kids were out with Denise and Jordyn grocery shopping . I just stayed home .

There was a knock at the door .
It was Andrew .

"Hey" i said smiling "Heyy ummm .... Lorenzo went out and he told me to take you out for breakfast" he said smiling . "Well you're in luck im already ready" i said smiling

"Alright let's go" he said walking as i followed behind .

We went to a small diner . It looked like from the 80's . It was so cute . We sat and ordered .Soon our orders came and i digged in .

"How have you been feeling ?" Asked Andrew "Good i actually like - GET DOWN ! " i got interrupted by Andrew screaming as the sound of bullets hitting places

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"How have you been feeling ?" Asked Andrew "Good i actually like - GET DOWN ! " i got interrupted by Andrew screaming as the sound of bullets hitting places .

"C'mon follow me" said Andrew . I quickly followed behind him . Then a hand covered my mouth . Memories from the night me and Jordyn got kidnapped filled my head . I started kicking but all i got was a punch to my stomach .

I was dragged to a van . My eyes got blind folded, my mouth got taped , and my hands and legs got tied .

Tears were streaming down my face as i thought what would happen next .

"I told you i always have eyes on you" said a voice in my ear . It was David . What if he has Torres ... Ohh no !!! I thought

"Oh now don't you worry Torres isn't here i haven't called him yet but we will ha- " he got interrupted as the car started stirring sideways .

"What's the matter James ???!?!?!" I heard David scream "It seems we have company in the back !!" He screamed . I could hear the panic in his . "Get rid of th-" but he again got interrupted by the van crashing in to something .

I rolled to the back . My head was throbbing in pain i thought i was going to pass out . I heard coughs then the door opened and guns started firing .

I started moving and felt my arms loose . I hurried and got the rope off . I took my blindfold off and saw the van open leading to a forest . I untied the ropes in my legs quick and got the gun in the corner .

I walked out carefully . I stepped on shadered glass on the floor . I heard whispering then i walked toward the side of the van and pocked my head out .

Nobody .

I walked , well limped to somewhere . I didn't know where i was going . "Valarie!" Screamed a voice . I turned around and saw Lorenzo with Jacob and a lot of men .

Lorenzo ran to me as my knees stopped working and i fell . "Are you okay" he asked worry filling his voice . "It hurts" i said "I know it does" he said looking at my bruised wrists .

The thing is i didn't mean my wrists . Nor did i mean anything physically .

My heart hurts .

Im tired of getting happiness and then it all getting taken away . Life just doesn't want me to be happy . Every little sign of happiness and then boom .

It's gone .


When i woke up my whole body was in pain . My head was killing me . I sat up and realized i was in Lorenzo's room .

I stared at my wrists . They were mortifying . They had purple all over them . I don't even want to imagine how i look right now .

The door slowly opened and in came Lorenzo . "How are you feeling?" He asked sitting next to me . "My head is killing me" i said and cringed at how my voice sounded .

"Are you hungry ? I can get somebody to get you something . " he said looking at me "Im okay" i said smiling .

"Im sorry .. you have to go through all of this" said Lorenzo grabbing my cheek. I just nodded . I didn't know what to say .

What happened next had me shocked .

He kissed me .

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Instagram : cherrybby15

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