43 : Breast Cancer 😧

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Valarie POV

We were all im the living room talking and catching up i think today is the day

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We were all im the living room talking and catching up i think today is the day . "I have something to say" i said everyone went quiet and looked at me .

"Today after i dropped of the kid's at school i went to the hospital ." i said as i was holding Antonio's and Kalani's hand . "Are you okay ?" Asked Yasmine

"I have breast cancer . " i said and everyone went quiet "Valarie."said Denise as her eyes started tearing up . "Dr.Sandra said that i could get surgery there is almost and 100% possibility of survival ." i said

"I was planning on going back to the hospital whenever i got to talk to all of you but since we are all here i decided to tell you all today ." i said 

"I want to have my surgery in a month or less ." i said "Whatever you decide to do we will all be here supporting you." Said Sebastian

"Guys we are going to get through this ." i said smiling "You're still going to have surgery that's scary ." said Yasmine .

"Okay enough of that . Kalani can you tell them what happened today at school ." i said putting her on the spot "Ouuhhh is it a boy ?" Asked Madelaine . She smiled . "Umm aren't you too young to have a boyfriend ?" Asked Andrew

"I was about to say that" said Julian "How did you meet him?" Asked Genesis "Did you fall and he caught you before you hit the ground ?" Asked Madelaine

"He slammed the locker door on my hand ."she said "What ?"asked Antonio "brujeria (witch craft) " said Andrew "Why?"asked Damien

"That's how mom and dad met." Said Antonio . "I remember that day . It was also the day my boyfriend cheated on me." Said Denise "No way." Said Lilly "So your dad and uncles were new . Your dad some way hurt your mom hand with the locker . I caught my boyfriend in a classroom with Kendall ." said Denise

"That was also the day we met aunt Jordy." I said smiling "Andrew used to like her ." said Jacob "Shut up ." he said pushing him .

"Woah ." said Kalani "I know ." i said "We have to go it's pretty late and these uglies have school tomorrow ." said Sebastian

"Thank you all for coming"i said "Tell me when you go visit the doctor again" said Denise "I will" i said smiling back at her .

I went back to the living room where Antonio , Kalani , Damien , and lilly were at . "You guys do know you don't have to be scared ." i said smiling

"Mom there is still a small possibility you won't make it through there is always complications ." said Kalani

"I know sweetie." I said "If something does happen you have your aunts and uncles . " i said "No im here . You will all move in with me ." said Antonio

"Let's stop talking about this." Said Antonio
"Okay" i said "Mom i have to go ." he said standing up ." Okay take care ." i said kissing him in the head . He then went to hug his sisters and brother .

"Okay let's go , you guys have to sleep ." i said "It's just the first day and i think i can make it further ." said Damien

" Go to bed ." i said walking upstairs . I went in to my bathroom and took a shower . Once done i went to their room's to make sure they were sleeping .I kissed their foreheads and went back to my room .

" I love you more." I said smiling

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