37 : Wedding Day 💒

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Valarie POV

"Get up stupid bitch !!" Screamed Denise hitting me with a pillow "Stop

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"Get up stupid bitch !!" Screamed Denise hitting me with a pillow "Stop . How did you even get in ?" I asked rubbing my eyes "Jacob gave me a key and then he and the guys dragged Lorenzo out . There's no way he's looking at you . Bad Luck ." she said

"So the girls are taking a shower right now . The guys took Lorenzo to a rental home near the wedding venue. Ohh yeah and they took Antonio . So now get up , shower , shave , and be happy . Im going to bring breakfast up ." said Denise walking out

Today's the day . I smiled as i thought of Jordyn . She and Denise would have been the ones hitting me with a pillow . She would of course never allowed me to see Lorenzo . Even if she had to handcuff herself to me .

"Mommy , baby sister crying ." said Lilly walking in snapping me from my thoughts . "She woke up . Come help me bring them in to the room ." i said grabbing her hand .

"Hi babies ." i said walking inside . "Baby brother don't like me ." said Lilly "Why is that ?" I asked "He blah on me ." she said . Then i remembered when he threw up on lilly .

"That was an accident baby . He loves you just like you love him . Now can you bring me two diapers and the wipes ." i said taking while unwrapping Kalani's diaper .

"Ewww mommy that gross ." said Lilly pinching her nose . "I know ." i said . "Now Kalani im going to go change your brother don't move. " i said kissing her head .

"Hello handsome ." i said in a whisper as he was still sleeping . "He not ewww ?" Asked Lilly "No , now go downstairs and tell Tia (aunt) Denise to hurry with breakfast ." i said . "Okay mommy ." said Lilly walking out .

"Okay one at a time ." i said picking up Damien and taking him to my bed . I surrounded the edges of the bed with pillows then went and grabbed Kalani . I put her on the bed and she just starred at the celling.

"Why aren't you in the shower ?" Asked Madelaine walking in . "The babies woke up ." i said smiling . "Go shower I'll take care of them . " she said smiling "Alright ." i said walking to the bathroom .

I showered and made sure to shave any place hair was found . I made sure to moisturize and i blow dried my hair . When i walked out all the girls where there eating , getting their hair down , or getting their makeup done .

"There you are my love ." said the hairstylist . "But you are divine . Girls ! " he said snapping to two women who were standing at the wall . "Make sure every piece of her is waxed and smoothed . " he said "Ohh there's no need to i already shaved ." i said smiling "Nonsense go go ." he said pushing me to the bathroom with the girls .

"Wait here wear this . " said Yasmine handing me a robe that said bride to be . "Thank you . " i said hugging her and walking to the bathroom

"We are going to wax your whole body just in case you missed some places ." said one of them "Can i know your names ? " i asked "Im Rebecca and this is Allie ." said the brunet pointing to the blonde "Nice to meet you ." i said shaking their hands "You have a beautiful home ." said Allie "Thank you ." i said smiling .

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