29 : Forgiveness 🙏

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Valarie POV

"What are you doing here ?" I asked "You don't know how much i wanted to kill that piece of shit

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"What are you doing here ?" I asked "You don't know how much i wanted to kill that piece of shit . " he said in my ear . I was breathing hard like i just ran 20 miles . "You are mine . Im the only one who is supposed to be able to touch you no one else ." he said as he kissed my collar bone .

"Touch me where ?" I asked and he stopped what he was doing and looked at me in my eyes . I bit my lip waiting anxiously . His lips made contact with my lips .

It was fast . I started taking of his suit throwing it around the room . He unzipped my skirt and pulled it down . He had his pants on and the only thing i had on was my crop top and panties .

I pushed him on the bed and got on top of him . He started massaging my ass as istarted to leave hickeys on his body . I could feel his boner pushing through his pants .

I could feel he was getting inpatient and he flipped us over . He then ripped my crop top in half . "Hey that's a cute crop top !" I said looking down "I don't like people seeing it on you ." he said as he started sucking on my nipples . "mhhmhmm." I moaned

He started kissing his way down . He slowly slid my panties off . "You are so wet ." he said as he separated my legs . "ahhhhh!" I moaned as he started licking me out and adding a finger .

"You like that ?" He asked "yessssss" i said grabbing the sheets .He soon added three fingers . I felt that similar knot in my  stomach meaning im about to cum . I then released myself .

He slowed down and took his fingers out . I grabbed his hand and licked his fingers . "fuck." I heard him whisper . I stood up and started to unbuckle his pants . I slid them down leaving him in his boxers .

He started to kiss me and slowly take off his boxers . I started pumping his dick up and down making him grunt . I went faster occasionally and sometimes slower .

He took my hands off and angled himself . "fuck , fuck , fuck , fuck !" I said as he entered his BIG friend in me .

He started off slowly but he soon started to pick up the pase . "i-im going to c-cum ."i said "hold it in close ." he said going faster .

"I ne-eed to ." i said "Go." He said and i felt his juices shoot up in me . He fell to the side of me and the only thing able to be heard was our strong breathing ."round two ?" He asked . I turned to where he was at and smiled .


"Is that all ?" Asked Lorenzo "Yup" i said while getting out from the plane . "Where are we ?" Asked Genesis. "Mexico" i said

We brought her with us . Monroe bought her and she was escaping when we found her . She refused to talk to the guys but she talked to me .

"There's a lot of more girls at the house

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"There's a lot of more girls at the house ." i said smiling . She just nodded .

We finally arrived home and i got out fast . "we're here !" Screamed Jacob . Denise ran out and hugged me and so did the girls . "who's this ?" Asked Denise "Genesis ." i said "Andrew's ..... ?" She said "Yeah" i said

"Well welcome girly , i love your hair ." said Madelaine . "Mama !!!" Screamed lilly as she ran towards me . " Hi baby ." i said carrying her . "I missed you so much ." i said kissing her hair . She then moved towards the guys and stayed with Lorenzo .

"Where's Antonio ?" I asked "Your room . He stopped throwing up he just has a fever ." she said "Okay , Genesis stay with them . " i said . She nodded .

I literally ran upstairs . "Be careful" screamed Yasmine .  I opened my door slowly . "Mommy !" He screamed as i went to the bed . "Aww my poor baby how are you feeling ?" I asked touching his head .

"My head hurts but im happy you are back ." he said "I missed you ." i said kissing his head . "Has Aunt Denise gave you your medicine ." i asked "No , i don't want to worry her no more . She's been all over the place and hasn't had time to rest so i just said i was fine. " he said.

"Baby you need to drink your medicine . And i noticed . She looks like she has not slept in a while but im here now ." i said . "Can you lay with me ?" He asked "Yeah let me just go get your medicine. " i said walking out

I got to the kitchen and felt two arms around my waist . I turned around and saw Lorenzo . "You know everyone went to bed and we can just be extra quiet ." he said as he started to put his hand up my shirt .

"I have to go up with Antonio he is still sick ." i said showing him the medicine . "Ughhhh....." He said as he put his head in my neck . "Does this mean you forgive me ?" He said "I guess it does ." i said smiling at the thought of me and him starting all over once again ."good." He said .

I slightly pushed him off and got some crackers for Antonio .


"Did you just .... ?" I said with my eyes widening . He smirked and walked away .

I walked upstairs to my room . "Drink." I saud giving him the medicine then handing him some water . I went in to my closet and changed .

I walked out and got in bed with him . He was burning hot but that just made me cuddle him even more .

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Instagram : cherrybby15

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