46 : Letting Go 🌠

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Denise POV

"Im deeply sorry but there was complications and Valarie bled out in the operating room

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"Im deeply sorry but there was complications and Valarie bled out in the operating room ." said Dr.Sandra "You ,you killed my mom !" Said Kalani screaming "I'm so sorry but before  i go Valarie told me to tell you that under her bed there is a yellow envelope ." said Dr.Sandra before walking away slowly

"Im going to kill her ." said Antonio storming out "My mom ... Is gone ." said Lilly falling down . Damien hugged her with tears streaming down his eyes .

"Valarie ." i whispered


Dear Denise ,
I know you will be the first one to read the letter . If you listened to Dr.Sandra or whoever told you where to find these letters . There is one for everyone . I love you and you're going to be fine . You will move on from this . Please look after my babies and make sure to always remind them that i love them . I would've loved to see them grow up with kids . Again I love you sister .

Kisses and Hugs ,

Dear Antonio ,
You're going to be great . Look after your sisters and brother . I might not be there but me , your dad , and tia Jordyn will always be looking after you . I love you baby . Whenever you have your children tell them i love them with all my heart . Stay safe sweet heart .
With lots of love ,

Dear Lilly ,
My little Lilly i love you so much . I know when your dad died i know it was a humongous impact on you . Now that I'm not there by your side you cannot lose yourself . Be strong for Kalani and Damien they both love you and look up to you . I ask you to please be a role model to them and always be there for them . I love you and make sure you do turn in to Doctor Puentes .

Hugs and Kisses ,

Dear Kalani ,
Make sure to tell me everything about Mariano . Mom will be looking after you all the time . High school is not hard and i know you will get through . I believe in you and i know how strong you are . Know that you have a lot of aunt's and a sister if you have any questions . I love you with my whole heart princess
With lots of love ,

Dear Damien ,
When your dad passed away i found it difficult to look at you . You look a lot like him . My sweet boy don't you dare drop out . I'll dig my way out to pull you by your ear back to school . I know how much you are capable of doing . Look after your sister . And be nice to Lilly for once she loves you as much as i love you
Hugs and kisses ,


Valarie POV

"Hey babe " he said slowly walking up to reaching out for my hand "Hi

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"Hey babe " he said slowly walking up to reaching out for my hand "Hi." i whispered, smiling to see him . "Hey Bitch !" screamed Jordyn as she laughed with the sweet laugh i thought i would never hear again .

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Instagram : cherrybby15

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