28 : Bora Bora 🌴

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Valarie POV

"It's so pretty

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"It's so pretty ." i said as i stared at the blue clear water . "I could stay here forever" said Andrew "Okay c'mon guys mission ." said Sebastian .

We all sat in the little living area of the hotel . "Name ?" I asked "Jouse Monroe , 34 , male of course , brown eyes , black hair , and Hispanic. " said Sebastian as he showed us a picture of him .

"Mhmmm not bad ." i said i saw Lorenzo's jaw clench . "Okay so you are going to seduce of course . I don't think it will be hard as he dated someone similar to your appearance ." said Sebastian "Andrew and Jacob will make sure nothing goes wrong . Me and Lorenzo will go in . We will give you 8 - 10 minutes ." said Sebastian once again . Everyone nodded "Go get ready ." he said as he walked away .

"Im going to shower ." i said walking away . Everyone else went separate ways .

1 hour later

"Mhhhmmm okay how about red and black ?" I asked "sounds good ." said Andrew and Jacob at the same time . "You guys have been saying the same for half and hour now ." i said "Im sure everything would look lovely on you Val - Val ." said Sebastian finally looking up . "Fine i said storming in to my room once again .

Everybody was ready except for me . I grabbed a dark red laced crop top . I quickly threw everything out of my bag and saw if i brought my black skirt . It was like Christmas . I quickly put it on and walked out .

 I quickly put it on and walked out

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"Im ready. " i said and them everyone looked up . "wow" said Andrew "c'mon chop chop we are losing time ." i said walking out .

We all got in to the car in the same order we always go in . I started texting Denise until i felt a hand on my thigh . My whole body froze and i looked down . Lorenzo was rubbing circles on the inner part of my thigh .

"We got word that he is at one of the clubs Julian owns here . There's private rooms everywhere and i called down to let them know we are coming . Anything goes wrong and we have protection ." said Sebastian

We soon arrived and it was packed . We all split up as to not catch attention . I went to the bar and ordered a drink and started looking around .

This is not supposed to be difficult where the hell are you . Im supposed to be your type freaking look at me .

A couple minutes have passed and i felt eyes piercing through me . I looked up to the second floor and bingo . There you are Mr . Monroe .

I licked my lips and smiled at him . He signaled me with his finger to go up . I started walking upstairs and found Jacob in the stairs . I nodded for him to understand that i grabbed his attention . He then nodded back .

I got up and soon got pulled in to something hard . "what might your name be ?" He asked in my ear "That is a little secret you will find out later " i said laughing and grabbing wrapping my arms around his neck .

From the other side i saw Lorenzo and Sebastian . Lorenzo looked furious . His glass shattered . A couple of girls started to help him and tried to grab his attention but he paid no attention to them .

"You want to take this to a place more quiet ." he asked as he started sucking on my neck . I had to make a fake moan "mhhmm yesssss please ." i said and he pulled me with him . I turned around and nodded to Lorenzo and Sebastian .

Once inside he pushed me to the wall and started to kiss my neck . This is going quicker than i expected.  I felt his dick on my stomach .

I not wanting to get touched by him started to rub his dick . He started grunting . Not even 5 minuted passed and the door opened . He didn't even notice as he was having the time of his life .

"We have company ." i said in his ear and he turned around . Then boom the bullet was in his head . The surprising thing was that it did not come from Sebastian but from Lorenzo .

"That was miserable. " i said walking to the bathroom and started washing my hands . "Im tired , let's go ." i said walking out . Surprisingly everyone followed .

"Genesis ?" I heard Andrew say . I turned around and saw a girl "Andrew ?" She asked "what are you doing here ?" He asked . "i need your help . They're trying to get me. Mr.Monroe's men . They sold me to him .

"What ?!?!" Asked Andrew "Ask questions later c'mon lets go ." i said grabbing the girls hand since she looked that she was on the verge of crying .

I then saw a text from Denise and then i replied .

I had to sit on Lorenzo's lap since Genesis was in the car with us

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I had to sit on Lorenzo's lap since Genesis was in the car with us . I was so tired but i tried to not sleep . We finally arrived . "im going to bed " i said walking to my room .

I closed the door and started to take of my earrings . I heard my door open and i quickly turned around . I was too late as i was slammed against a wall again .

"Lorenzo ." i said

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