39 : Problems ⬇

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8 years later :o

Valarie POV

Valarie POV

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"No ." i said while still washing the dishes . "Mom , please ." said Antonio "Ya te dije que no . (i already said no .)" i said while drying my hands .

"How come Lilly gets to go to the mall and she is barley 8." He said "Im 10 you idiot. " screamed Lilly from the couch . " Watch your mouth ." i said to lilly .

"Where are you guys going ?" I asked "It's a Cabin in the woods . His mom will be there and then like 5 guys . " he said "I'll think about it ." i said "Pero ama ya es mañana me voy a necesitar que levantar temprano ( But mom its tomorrow im going to have to wake up early ) " he said. "I said i was going to think about it . Go to sleep already , you too Lilly . Better be in bed in an hour !" I said walking upstairs

"Y ustedes amores a que horas piensan dormir yas van a ser 11 (And you loves what time do you think you're going to bed its almost 11.) " i said opening the door to the twins room .

They both share a room . They like to always be together . "We are going to  ." said Damien "Where is daddy ?" Asked Kalani "He is working you will see him tomorrow in the morning " i said kissing her head. "Okay" she said

"Goodnight dream with the angels ." i said closing the door . I walked back downstairs and saw that Lilly and Antonio had gone upstairs .
I made sure all the doors were locked and then went upstairs . I took a shower and got to bed .


I woke up to the noise of someone in the closet . It's probably Lorenzo . Then i heard his phone ring . I rubbed my eyes and saw it was 1 in the morning .

"Hello?" He asked . He sounded tired . "No , i told him to add extra security . No one is a threat until i say they are . Can nobody ever fucking listen ." he said and the he hung up his phone .

By now i sat up as my back laid on the headboard . Lorenzo walked out and saw me . "Did i wake you up , im sorry ." he said "You're fine , Is everything okay ?" I asked

"Three of my men got murdered who were supposed to get someone who has really been testing me . " he said and sighed .

I saw he was moving his shoulders trying to relax them . "Come here ." i said patting the spot in between my legs . He came to my side as i started to massage his back and shoulders .

"Did you go see Kalani ?" I asked "Yeah i kissed them in their heads . By the way lilly is still awake ." he said "That little girl i told her to go to sleep , she's going to be the one sleepy tomorrow when she goes to the mall with her friends ." i said

"Antonio texted me. " he said "Yeah he was mad . I still don't know if i should let him go . " i said "I think you should . We have to trust him . He is 16 and he is trained in case something happens . "said lorenzo

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