45 : Surgery 💉

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Valarie POV

"Im not scared

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"Im not scared ." i said "And you shouldn't ." said Denise grabbing me by my shoulders "You know i want a dog for my birthday ." i said smiling "Fuck you ." said Denise pushing me away .

"Im going to bed . I'll wake you up in the morning . " said Denise walking out of my room . Denise was sleeping over at my house with the kids because she wanted to be with me.

My surgery is scheduled for tomorrow which is Friday . The kids are going to be at school . It is supposed to be at 9 in the morning but they want me at the hospital earlier .

Knock Knock

"Come in ." i said  . Then in walked my four reasons to live . "What's wrong ?" I asked confusingly"We were wondering if we could sleep with you ." said Lilly

"Awww come here ." i said to them . I was laying in the middle , on the left side was Lilly and Damien , then on the right was Antonio and Kalani .

"Tomorrow one of your tias is going to pick you guys up and take you to the hospital ." i said "Okay mom ." said Kalani

"Im going to fall ." said Damien "Then fall" responded Lilly "Your fat ass is taking up all the room ." said Damien "I am not !" Said Lilly turning around to face him and tackling him out of the bed .

"They never learn ." said Antonio "Ouch my hair ." said Lilly "Then stop pulling mines" said Damien and they both stood up . "Mom tell him / her to stop pulling my hair" said Damien and Lilly at the same time .

"Both of you stop and go to sleep ." i said Damien got in first so he was next to me . "Piece of shit ." i heard Lilly say "ugly whore." Said Damien cuddling in closer to me .


"Aww look ." i heard Denise whisper I started to move but instantly stopped when i felt i couldn't stretch .

"Kids wake up " i said kissing their heads "5 more minutes" said Lilly snuggling closer to Damien "Ohh my god . Denise take a picture go go ." i said as she took it "What are you doing ?" Asked Damien finally opening his eyes .

Lilly opened her eyes too and screamed when she realized her and Damien were cuddling "Tell me you didn't take a picture ." said Lilly "Ohh im going to send it to everyone ." said Denise walking out

"Okay wake up and get ready for school . " I said walking to my closet and picking out my clothes then walking to the bathroom.

I walked out and saw my bed a mess

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I walked out and saw my bed a mess . I'll ask Riley to clean it up for me later . Riley is a person who helps me around the house , I consider her family , since she's been working for me for years. I usually cook and clean but whenever i cant or i am busy she does .

I walked downstairs and see all of my kids eating with Ale and Anai . "Good morning ." i said smiling "Morning and no you can't eat ." said Denise "Im really hungry Denise ." i said "Here eat this " she said giving me a cup of ice .

"I don't like you today ." i said eating it "You love me ." she said pulling my hair . "Okay we have to go ." i said

"Antonio had to go to the warehouse really fast but he said he wad going to meet us at the hospital ." i said "Alright" she said as we drove off .


"It's nice to see you Mrs.Puentes . Your room is ready follow me ." said the same nurse from last time . "Change in to your robe and I'll come later to check how you are ." she said walking out

I walked to the restroom and changed in to the robe . You got this i thought to myself .

I walked out and got in to the bed . "You know for someone in a robe you look hot." Said Denise rolling her eyes .

"I look hot in everything ." i said smiling . Denise started laughing histeraclly . "Shut up."i said throwing her my hair tie .

"Mrs.Puentes im glad you're here , Hello Mrs.Cortez ." said Dr.Sandra "Your surgery will be in less than an hour so a couple of nurses will come and get you prepped for the surgery . You did not eat , correct ?"she Asked "No i did not." I said smiling "Good." She said walking out .


"You are going to do great mom ." said Antonio kissing my head "Yeah because she's superwoman" said Madelaine from the face-time . "I love you all ." i said smiling .

Denise walked with me to the elevator until she couldn't stay with us no more . "You're going to do great Valarie ." said Dr.Sandra holding my hand .

We went in to the OR . "If something goes wrong i want you to tell Denise that their is a big yellow envelope under my bed . Inside there is a letter for everyone ." i said

"Nothing will go wrong Valarie ." she said tightening her grip on my hand "I know but just in case ." i said weakly smiling. "Of course " she said then she nodded to someone behind me .

"Im going to ask you to count from 10 - 1 " said Dr Sandra . "Ten , nine , eight , sev....en . six ." i said slowly closing my eyes .

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