35 : Labor 🏥

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Valarie POV

"Yassssss !! " i said as all four of them came out of the dressing room

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"Yassssss !! " i said as all four of them came out of the dressing room . "I like it ." said Madelaine "It's pretty ." said the manager who's envy still pours every time she speaks .

"Yeah we are - OUUUUUHHHCCCCHCHH !" I screamed in pain then i felt liquid trail down my pants soaking the seat . "HOLY FUCK SHE'S IN LABOR !!"Screamed Yasmine

"Everyone go change . Valarie breath call Lorenzo we will be back in 5 ." said Denise running back . I grabbed my phone and called Lorenzo .

                       Call Conversation

Lorenzo : Hey baby .
Valerie : fuck . fuck . fuck . LORENZO !!
Lorenzo : Where are you ? what's wrong ?
Valerie : drive to the hospital im in labor we will meet up there . Ahhhhh breath valarie breath .
Lorenzo : Guys let's go Valarie is in labor !! Okay valarie don't hang up .
Valarie : Okay . Denise grab my bag . Ouch careful !!
Lorenzo : What's going on ?
Madelaine : Sorry it's that they have to carry her in the car and she can't be talking right now .
Lorenzo : Put her on the phone .
Madelaine : Hold on. okay here .
Lorenzo : Valarie are you okay ?
Valarie : Does it sound like - Ahhhhhh !!
Lorenzo : I'll be at the hospital in 2 minutes .
Valarie : Im here already . I have to go hurry .

"HELP SHE'S IN LABOR !!" Screamed Genesis . 3 doctors came out two male and one female . "You're going to be okay ." said the woman . "Is the father coming ?" Asked one of the male doctors .

"Im here !" Said Lorenzo running through the hallway . "Hi baby . You're okay ." he said kissing my head . "Okay i can see the babies head so im going to need you to push ." said the woman

"On three,  1 2 3 !" Said the doctor i pushed and i felt it move a little. "One more c'mon mamas you got this !" Said the doctor "One more ." said Lorenzo brushing my head back while looking at me straight im the eyes . "Go!" Said the doctor and i did one last push .

"It's a boy ! Time of birth 1 : 35 pm !" She screamed and Lorenzo walked over there and cut the cord . "Baby number 2 here we go ! " said the woman . "Okay mamas just one last baby ." said the woman .

"Push !" She said and i pushed with all my might . "Yess mamas two more and the child is out !" She said in order so i could hear . "Push !" She said and i pushed . Then there was crying . "Or one . It's a girl 1 : 38 pm " she screamed .

They gave me the baby boy and Lorenzo the little girl. "Congratulations ." she said . There was nurses who started cleaning . "Hi Damien . " i said stroking his cheek . "Lorenzo kissed Damien's head ."

He handed me the girl . "Hi Kalani ." i said . Lorenzo kissed Damien's head . "Ohh my god hi !" Said Madelaine walking in .

"Ohh my goodness !" Said Genesis "Can i ?" She asked me . I handed her the baby and she started rocking it . Jacob was carrying the baby boy as the other watched .

"Hey my superwoman ." said Lorenzo kissing my head . "You did amazing ." he said looking at with pure love . "I love you ." i said touching his face . "I love you more ." he said snuggling in to my neck .

"Names ?" Asked Andrew . "The girls is Kalani Michelle Puentes . The boy is Damien Luis Puentes ." i said smiling . "Beautiful ." said Yasmine . "We need to order your dress smaller ." said Denise making everyone laugh

"Me and Julian actually need to tell you guys something ." said Madelaine holding Julian's hand and her stomach . "Madelaine , Come here  !" I said hugging her . Sebastian hugged Julian and so did everyone .


"Welcome back." Said Genesis opening the door . "mamá bebé (mom baby)" said Lilly pointing to Kalani and Damien . "You want to see" i said . She smiled and ran to the couch and sat down . "Where's Antonio ?" I asked "He went over to his friends house . I allowed him to go ."said Lorenzo . "Okay" i said .

"¿Beshito ? (Kissy?) " she asked pointing to Kalani on my arms and Damien om Lorenzo's arms . I nodded my head and she kissed her head . Kalani looked at Lilly starring in to her eyes and then she smiled .

She then went to Damien and kissed him on the head . Damien put a disgusted face and started to cry . "Ohh no , is okay ." said Lilly holding his hand . He then calmed down and smiled .

"Is baby brother and sister !!!!" Said Lilly grabbing her doll . "What's her name ?" Asked Lorenzo "Ummm....I don't know ." she said smiling "You don't know ?" He asked tickling her . "Noooooo" she said running upstairs .

"You two need sleep ." said Madelaine grabbing Kalani . "And we need more time with the babies ." said Genesis grabbing Damien "Go go go , rest your vagina ." said Denise pushing me upstairs "Ouuhhh shut up ." i said .

Lorenzo laughed and put his arm around my shoulders . "I love you ." he said kissing my cheeks "I love you more ." i said . "Impossible ." he responded .

The small moments are what count . They are the best part of the relationship . Sometimes we realize how we never appreciate the small moments until they're gone and lost deep in your heart .

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Instagram : cherrybby15

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