36 : Bachelorette and Bachelor Party 🎉

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A/N The images at the top were a little too you know mature so i covered some parts with stickers :))
The bottom may be disturbing for some but i find it some what funny :D

Valarie POV

"We look hot

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"We look hot ." said Madelaine . "I don't look like a little 13 year old boy going through puberty ." said Yasmine smiling "Wait until you see the backyard . The guys wont be back until late so we have until then . Lorenzo will sleep in a guest bedroom and you in you guys room ." said Denise .

"Let's go !!!" Said Genesis "Ohhh my freaking god

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"Let's go !!!" Said Genesis "Ohhh my freaking god ."i said just by looking at the cake . "Yeah cause you going to be riding his dick tomorrow night" said Madelaine "Ahhhh Nooo !" Said Yasmine covering her ears

"This is awesome ." said Madelaine "Im so excited , AHHHHH i can't wait for tomorrow " said Yasmine "Let's start partying !" Said Madelaine walking to the speakers and connecting her phone .

"Bite the cake !" Said Denise pushing me towards it  "Lick it." Said Madelaine "¡ Cochina (flithy) ! " said Yasmine "It's not like you've never gotten a taste . Have you ?" Asked Madelaine

"You are all nasty " said Genesis "Guys i have a suprise !" Said Denise "Get on the chair Valarie !" She said pushing me "Come out guys !" Screamed Denise

"OH MY GOD YESSSSS !" Screamed Madelaine

Lorenzo POV

"Chuck ! Chuck ! Chuck !" Screamed the guys as Andrew chucked the whole bottle of whiskey down "Okay , Genesis is going to have to be looking after you tonight

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"Chuck ! Chuck ! Chuck !" Screamed the guys as Andrew chucked the whole bottle of whiskey down "Okay , Genesis is going to have to be looking after you tonight ." said Julian

"Hey sexy ." said a girl walking up to me and wrapping her arms around my neck "Get your hands off me ." i said not touching her "I can't seem to stop ." she said "He has a finance . He's getting married tomorrow ." said Jacob

"Mhmhmhmm i can change that ." she said "Get your fucking filthy hands off me now !" i said . She let go and fear crossed her face and she ran out . " Let's get out of here ." said Sebastian .

Valarie POV

"Mira que bonita (look how pretty)" said Genesis handing me a plastic penis

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"Mira que bonita (look how pretty)" said Genesis handing me a plastic penis . "Here ya go ." said Denise giving me a crown with the words queen of bitches . "One more thing!" Said Madelaine looking through her bag .

"AHHHHH !!!"screamed Denise "Its a dildo !" Screamed Yasmine "And It's hot pink ." said Genesis "Suck it ! Suck it " cheered the girls "How about Yasmine ." i said . All the girls looked at her and started cheering for her .

"C'mon then you can practice on Sebastian later ." said Madelaine "Ewww i did not want to hear that " said Denise covering her ears . "Fine ." she said

"Go Yasmine ! Go go go Yasmine" said Denise . "Yesss girl !!!" Screamed Madelaine .

"What are you guys doing ?" Asked Sebastian and we all looked up . "Shit ." said Yasmine "Is that a dildo ?" Asked Julian Yasmine grabbed it and hid it .

"What are you wearing ? Is that that nipple cupcakes ?" Asked Jacob walking towards the table " I want one !" Screamed Andrew "You're drunk ." said Genesis getting up .

"Ohh hey baby !" Said Andrew "Lorenzo stay back ." said Denise . I looked at him and he was smirking . He then pointed to the cake . I blushed and looked down .

"What were you guys doing with a dildo ?" Asked Jacob "Umm Yasmine was practicing how to give head " said Madelaine " Mads !!" Screamed Yasmine .

"I want to see what you learned " said Sebastian looking at her with pure lust . "Ewww get a room ." said Denise . Sebastian went to were she was and carried her Fireman style . "Don't forget your dildo !" Screamed Genesis "You can keep it !" Said Yasmine

"You and me have to go to bed ." said Genesis grabbing Andrew's head "And have sexy time !" Said Andrew "No , no sexy time you're drunk " said Genesis making him stand up "You need help ?" Asked Julian

"No . If he falls he's staying there . " said Genesis walking away with Andrew . "C'mon let's go to sleep ." said Julian to Madelaine "Alright . Let me get a piece of cake m" she said grabbing some . "Don't take the penis it's for Valarie ." said Denise

"Don't worry she will be getting some either way " said Lorenzo "Ha not today tomorrow ." said Denise . Lorenzo looked at me and was counting down from 3-1 and then he pointed to the door . I nodded .

When he got to 3 i sprinted to the door . "VALARIE ! " scream Denise as Lorenzo grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs . "Get back here !" She said and i could hear her behind us .

I slammed the door closed and i was breathing heavily . "Get out Valarie !" Screamed Denise "Leave them i already knew this was going to happen ." said Jacob . Then i heard walking away .

Sexual Scene

"You look so hot !" Said Lorenzo pushing me in to a wall . "Ohh really ?" I asked "I want to eat you out . " he said "Mhmhmmmm , nobody is stopping you ." i said as we started ripping each other's clothes off .

"You're so hot ." he kept saying as he started to lick me . "You like that ?" He asked "Yessss" i said . "Oh my god !" I said as he put two fingers in me .

I could feel myself about to climax and he added another finger . "Im-m going to AHH! I said "I know. " he said as i felt myself release .

He kept pumping the three fingers until I felt myself release again .

"I can't wait for tomorrow ." he said kissing my neck

HAPPY NEW YEARS !!! We hit 2k and im so excited . Im so glad all of enjoy my book .

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Instagram : cherrybby15

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