22 : Japan 🇯🇵

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Jordyn POV :

When i got up i got this unsettling feeling in my stomach

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When i got up i got this unsettling feeling in my stomach . Me , Sebastian, and Valarie are in the jet. Our mission is today tuesday and we have another one friday .

I feel something is going to go wrong . "Jordy?" Asked Valarie "Umm yes?" I asked "You zoned out . Are you okay ?" She asked "Yeah , what were you guys saying?" I asked

"Okay you two have to dress out like a lot . He is a jack ass . Valarie you will go with Sasaki . Jordyn once she is in you will distract his guards who will obviously be out in the door . Valarie you're going to inject him with Midazolam . He will instantly fall to sleep . After than you're going to send me our code and ill make my way over there and do the dirty work . Jordyn you will have Midazolam with you . You will try to inject it in to how many guards there is . If it comes to where you need to kill someone go for it." Said Sebastian

I nodded i haven't killed nobody yet . Valarie has killed about 3 men . Some missions didn't go smoothly .

"We will be landing soon , please take your seats" said the flight attendant . "Thank you" said Valarie as we all walked to a seat .

I still had this feeling but I just ignored it .

The plane landed and it was beautiful . A lot of colors . We got in to a car and the guard drove us to a hotel .

"Kon'nichiwa hoteruin e yokoso . Ikutsu no yoru to nankai no yoru (Hello welcome to hotel in room for how many and how many nights)" Said the woman .

"Okay hold up i just learned how to speak italian and spanish ." i said . Sebastian Chuckled
"2-Shukan to 1-shukan no heya.(room for two and one week" said Sebastian

"I didn't know you spoke Japanese" said Valarie "I speak spanish , english , Italian , russian , Japanese , and i speak a little arabic ." he said smiling "Show off" i mumbled "Baby you're just jealous" he said laughing . I really want to hit his big head .

"119-Goshitsu 2-kai (room 119 second floor to your left ) " said the woman . "Let's go"said Sebastian

We got to a room and there was two beds , a bathroom , and closet . "Im going to shower" said Valarie ." I took a shower before i left so im going to get ready"

I put my hair extension on and grabbed some of my hair and put it in a mini ponytail . I did my makeup as i Sebastian was putting on his suit in the back . I didn't mind .

"So i have to show a lot of skin?" I asked "Yeah . The more the better" he said "Okay . " i said as i got up and grabbed my suitcase . I grabbed a black bra and a small dress .

Soon came out Valarie and Sebastian went in the bathroom to do his hair . If im being honest im very comfortable with my body .

I took off my bra i had on and put on the black one . "I have to dress slutty right?" Asked Valarie . "Yeah" i said as i put on my black dress . I then proceeded and put on my black heels

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