41 : Scarred 🔪

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Valarie POV

Valarie POV

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"Valarie ....." Said Andrew . I closed my eyes and put my face in Lilly's neck . I opened my eyes and my tears came out . My whole world came crashing down .

I set her down and she ran to Antonio . Andrew hurried towards me and caught me before i fell to the floor . "He's gone " i said crying . "I know Valarie." He said "Im going to get sick ." i said running to the restroom and slamming the door closed .

I threw up everything i ate today every single thing . I flushed the toilet and sat at the corner of the restroom .

You have to be strong Valarie . For your kids . They are your world now . It's now just you and them . You have to get out and be the bigger person . If it were you Lorenzo would've been out there with them .

I got up and splashed my face with water . I opened the door and walked towards the living room . Everyone was looking at me and i was trying so hard to control my breathing .

Antonio got up and hugged me tightly . He started crying on my shoulder . "It's okay baby ." i said rubbing his back . "I'm sorry mom !" Screamed Lilly "Ohh no baby ." i said hugging her .

"It's not your fault . " i said . "Im sorry ." she said hugging me tightly . "You sweet baby this is not your fault . He wouldn't like you blaming yourself  ." i said

"Daddy not here ." said Kalani . I told her to come to me me and she ran and started crying . "C'mon Damien " said Antonio as he hugged him ."We are going to be okay ." i said hugging them all .

A week later

His funeral was today . We moved . I couldn't stay there . I felt suffocated . We moved to a good neighborhood .

Jacob and Andrew are running the Mafia until Antonio is old enough to take the place as leader .

We are still all heartbroken . I try my hardest to not cry when i think about him . I know he is in a better place with Jordyn . Getting to know each other for once.

He is with his mom and dad who i never got the chance to meet .

Today is a good day . We are going out for breakfast all of us . It will never be the same but life keeps going .

I got his ring and i decided to not take mines off .

He will always be in my heart . He was an angel that was placed in my life and now he looks after all of us .

Never to be forgotten and always in our hearts .

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Instagram : cherrybby15

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