38 : Honeymoon 🍯 🌙

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Valarie POV

"Were exactly are we going ?"i asked looking out of the window of the jet

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"Were exactly are we going ?"i asked looking out of the window of the jet . "Im not going to tell you we are like 30 minutes away .

"So I'm going to find out sooner or later so might as well tell me now " i said walking around . " Patience love ." said Lorenzo from his seat were he was doing paperwork . "Im bored ." i said "Facetime denise ." he said "Already did ." i said "Take a nap ." he said "Okay ." i said walking back to my seat .


"We are here baby ." said Lorenzo lightly shaking me . "were are we exactly ?" Asked stretching and yawning . "C'mon ." he said grabbing my hand .

"You are crazy ." i said looking at the view "Crazy for you " he said kissing me . "It's beautiful " i said looking at the sun set making the sky and orangy color .

"Welcome to Dubai sir the car is ready " said one of Lorenzo's men . "Let's go ." he said in my ear and pulled me to the car .

"What are we going to do first ." i said looking at the buildings . " We have a week . We will have time ." he said smiling at me .

"We are here sir ." said the driver . Lorenzo opened his door and then quickly opened mine . "Thank you ."i said and stepped out .

"Wow is this the bad time to say im afraid of heights ." i said looking at the hotel that had like 100 floors . "You'll be fine ." he said taking me from my waist .

"aitasalat qabl shahru. alaism al'akhir hu puentes. " said Lorenzo

A/N it's arabic and since they read from right to left it would confuse people so the top is just how people sound when they speak arabic 😘 .

"Arabic ?" I asked . He nodded . "The whole 64th floor is reserved for you sir . You may use whatever room ." said the woman . "Thank you. " i said and then we walked away .

         ⚠Warning Sexual Content

"The whole floor ?" I asked "This is your chance to let it all out ." he said . "Ohh my god ." i said getting red . We got in to the elevator and Lorenzo started kissing me harshly .

"Hmmmm . I have a little surprise for you Mr.Puentes . " i said "What is that ?" He asked trying to take my shirt off . The elevator dinged and the door opened to the 64th floor .

I ran to the closet room . "Mhmmm someone is acting naughty ." said Lorenzo as i heard him chase me . " I ran to a bathroom and closed the door .

"Open up ." i heard knocking "Patience Love ." i said repeating what he had told me . "Ohh sweetie you're going to regret it when you come out ." he said and then i heard him walk away .

I relaxed my breathing and looked through my purse . "found you ." i said getting a box out . Inside was 5 pieces of lingerie Madelaine and Denise got me. 

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