(Important 2021 edit)

86 3 2

Edited 12/2/2021

I forgot to announce I'm not continuing this book. I will also publish stories that haven't been finished.

Stories that are unfinished has a ⚠️ emoji

Stories that are finished has a ✅ emoji

Stories that are non canon has a ❌

Stories that are canon has a 💜

old 2019 desc:

So if you're reading this, thanks! If your not, then- thanks again! For taking the time to read or check out the stories I've created!

To start this off, my writing, of course, isn't too professional, well... at least when I look at it anyhow.

I also would like to discuss that you don't have to read the chapters the way they're laid out you can pick whatever chapter you like without an order! For the ones that have numbers on them, like this (insert title) (1) means it's a sequel or prequel from the first story.

Some chapters may continue where they left off and others occur during a different time for example: Under a bridge is a green door and Missed the signs are part of the same story but takes place at a different time and point of view. Sometimes I don't reveal who is speaking because it may contain spoilers for an upcoming book or comic I want to make separately.

If it says 100 to 900 words that's a short story (one pages or more)

If it says 1000 to 2000 words that's a long story (Four pages or more?)

I draw pictures for each chapter (I'm trying to update it with drawings but there are so many chapters so it might take some time for all of them) There are times I may have extra drawings into the story and so does a secret magic spell that can enhance editing skills called... 'Cocola mcnola wick sofa' is how you make the edited story :D

No worries I guarantee that spell won't work.

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So most of these stories I create are mostly about Adventure, Fantasy, Fiction- and you get the point. It's a mixture of a bunch of things XD (also some poetry but it may be bad ;-; )



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