💜❌✅Keys to remembrance

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423 words

I don't know why but they called these plains as the 'Daydream plains'.

I don't know when I came to this place.

I don't remember who I once was.

And neither does what this place is.

I do remember that this isn't my home but yet...

It does feel like home...

Maybe it's just the breezy feeling of it.

Oh. I forgot my name.

My real name is something I can't recall, although, my friends knew me as the name Ellen, living under clear grey skies and my boots in the slowly rotting grass. I don't remember who I was so my friends told me tales of what we did with eachother. Each tale they brought up about my past, didn't ring a bell.

However, at one point, one of my friends, said I was a sibling of someone? I have no idea why but I kinda remember a memory that was very blurred. It showed two dark figures, one short and one tall, walking down a pathway toward the bright light. When I saw the small piece of that memory, one of my friends, Lisa, whispered in the other's ear, Mally, angrily for some reason.

After she finished whispering in her ear. Mally said "Oh! Sorry Ellen, I didn't mean to say that. I was thinking of someone else." She lightly laughed.

I think that was the last time I heard- or well- them, doing something like that. They never acted that nervous before. Although overtime all of my friends were nevous after that event with Mally. I think they are hiding something from me but don't know what...

As standing and staring at the clear grey skies, a voice called from behind me. I turned to see Lisa quickly running toward me, for I, waved a hello. "Hey Ellen! You gotta see what Mally is doing! *huff* *huff* It's really funny! Come quick!" She says, laughing and running away from me. I giggled, thinking what did she do this time.

But before following her, a gust of wind blew behind me.

However, I heard a voice both a older male and a younger female.

"Come home."

The wind slowed and I was shocked.

I recognized the voices.

But didn't know where....

Some reason, turning around I found a huge amount of thorny walls from a distance.

Instead of going where Mally and Lisa are, I was curious of what this thorny wall came from.

And so thats where I found it....

First written on: 12/12/2018

Finished written on: 3/19/2019

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