💜✅Murder-Murder (1)

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2021 edit: all canon except some names, Alan being alive and no letter

Needs to be edited

Draft(?): 11/7/2018 - 11/13/2018

Edited version: 1/21/2019 - 9/4/2019

1270 Words

-Warning slightly bloody violence-

Night approaches, as the sun is overcast by the moon.

A killer that roams about in the city while moonlight rays reflect his face, the well-known name, Josh cardinal, it's said he kills people only if they are a murderer themselves, however, if they try to kill him he'll return the favour with a little surprise of his own.

Tonight Josh was returning home to hang out with his friends, but as turning to the left into an alleyway, he found a figure from the other side of the alleyway. Upon closer look it was a teenager who had black scruffy hair, a jacket-sweater that has faded light brown, a red shirt, dark blue jeans and a pair of very muddy running shoes.

"So you must be Josh, I've been waiting." The figure said. "And so you must be Alan," Josh replied back.

"Is this some kind of joke?!" Alan raised his knife. "Relax it's just a nickname," Josh joked, however, Quick as light, Alan grabbed Josh's jacket collar and uses his knife against Josh's neck. "Listen I'm not here to have fun, I just want to get the job done. Got it?" He threatened.

Yet, even if the world was still, a voice screamed of a little girl, making both Josh and Alan look around their surroundings. A figure from the shadows limps towards the both of them. "Uh, what the hell happen to you?" Alan said. "I fell." Replied the man appearing out of the darkness. "Ooh." Both Josh & Alan said.

"From where?" Josh questioned. "Atop of a random person's bacony," said the man. Alan had a confused yet, concerned face. The man massages his eyelids. "I've would've died. If I weren't to fall on that garbage pile." Explained the man.

At that point Josh was laughing "T-to put it all together, you basically eavesdropped on us, fell off a random person's bacony, screamed like a girl and eventually fell onto a pile of garbage." Josh laughed.

"Screw this!" Alan shouted, Still held his knife against Josh's neck "Your gonna die today and that's final!" Alan said. "Oh no, you don't." The man said, pointing his pistol at Alan's face. "You're not killing him. I am." Said the man.

"If you kill him! Then I have to kill you too!" Alan shouted at the man. Then a great clattering noise was heard "Now hold it! Your not killing him because I am!" A female voice cried out. "Oh great it's that bounty hunter that has been trying to kill me," Alan said, face palming. "Bothering or actually gonna kill you, kill you?" Josh said "Both" Alan replied. "Listen who is killing first?" The man said.

They all stared at each other and started arguing while Josh was thinking until...

"Wait! I have an idea! How about we kill the female bounty hunter first since she only one that's only targetted by one of us!" Josh explained. They all stared at Josh for a second, turning all of their heads toward the helpless bounty hunter. "Sure whatever, I hate her anyway," Alan said, letting go of Josh's jacket collar.

"If you think about it she isn't targetted by anyone but... Sure! let's kill her." The man said and shrugged. Meanwhile, everyone started aiming their weapons at her. "W-wait what!? Hey! Guys! Could we talk about this?!" She shouted. She screams while noises of stabbing and shooting could be heard.


After about a half-hour of killing her, both Alan and the man were arguing about who killed her first. "I stabbed her first so it wouldn't mean you killed her!" Alan said, "No! I shot her in the chest! No idea what were you doing when you kept stabbing her wrist over and over again." The man explained. "Hey, I-" Josh said, "YOU ARE NOT A PART OF THIS!" Both of them shouted. Josh sweatdropped and put his hands in the air, "ᴼʰ ᵒᵏᵃʸ ᶦ'ˡˡ ˢʰᵘᵗ ᵘᵖ ⁿᵒʷ..." Whispered Josh.

During the argument, there was a very loud screeching noise of a car turning quickly toward the wide alleyway they're all in Alan dodged it and pushed the man into the car, causing him to get ran over while the car crashed into a nearby brick wall.

Meanwhile leaving two of them still standing Alan & Josh looked at each other and to their surroundings "Wow that was something." Alan said. "Yeah... And I wasn't sure that this plan would work perfectly." Josh whipping out his knife, swiping it at Alan, while he dodges it.

"Ooh, you're good! But not as good as this!" Josh said, twisting Alan's wrist causing him to scream in agony, both of them dropping their knife's on the ground while Josh took a hold of his hair and moved his head toward a nearby broken fan.

"AH!" Alan said, surprised how quickly he pulled him toward the fan. "Any last words, Alan?" Josh says. "Again that's not my name! *Sighs* Okay fine..." Alan says, inviting the silence to take over the conversation instead. Alan finally reaches into his sweater pockets he pulls out a letter, he sweated a little and spoke.

"Well... There's an address here and the last words I wanna give to someone but it seems that I'll never get the chance to say it in person, however, since your here... I was wondering if you could do a favour for me... And give it to them instead." Alan explains handing the green decorated letter to him.

Josh was a little shock by the fact that no one gives him letters only to deliver it to someone else. But he accepted it anyhow. "Ooo! I see! Is it for your boyfriend or girlfriend! Is it?" Josh teased, Alan blushed a tad bit. "Just deliver it to them okay!? It's just that... I can't tell them in person anyhow.." Alan said.

"Okay, okay! But you sure you wanna die?" Josh warned. Alan thought for a long time, this is a huge decision he had to make. "Yes, I cannot go back I've done a lot of things in my past I've shouldn't have done but I'm glad to make those good memories lasting up until now. So promise me you'll give it to them." Alan requested.

"...Alright. But it better not be a trap." Josh said. "Thank you, and I guarantee there are no traps." Alan smiled, while Josh shoved his head into the huge fan and the sounds of splatters of blood were cut off by a figure opening and shutting the car door walking toward Josh.

"Oh hey, Josh!" A friendly happy smiling teenager said. "Oh why hello, Mr. Alex acorn hows your car?" Josh laughs. "It's good... *Looks at the car on fire and turns to Josh* That's until I broke it," Alex said. "But anyways wanna grab some pizza?!" Alex cheered. "Hell yeah!" Josh said, following his friend chanting 'Pizza! Pizza!' in the distance.


"So that's how you got the letter?" One of his friends said. "Yep," Josh replied back. His friend leaned over "Could I see it?" His friend asked. "Sure just as long you don't open it Etan," Josh said, flipping channels with remote while Alex tries to grab the remote away from him. "Thanks!" Etan said, reading through the letter.

The green letter had flowers decorated on it with a small note:

"From your dear: friend


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