💜✅See you tomorrow. - (Valentine's special) (3)

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Also! One bonus picture! :D

Characters from: Under a bridge is a green door

Warning! Swearing included!

2178 words
Genre: Romance and fiction

Ripples of the water streamed down under a bridge, while a girl leaned against a wall drinking tea. She watches as the rain fell one by one from the sky but, as enjoying the sight and sounds, a rustling of bushes behind her interrupted her.

"Urgh! Fucking bushes!" A familiar voice, yet, frustrated to free himself from the large branch behind him. The female lift herself off the wall and sighed. "Ron, what did I say about swearing?" She scolded. Soon the back of male's sweater torned when he broke free "O-oh sorry Magnolia, it's just that going this route is very annoying... And, it kinda tore my sweater." Ron said, taking off his sweater and walked under the bridge.

Ron groan in annoyance and stared at the huge tear but, through the hole of the tear, he saw Magnolia. "Hey Magnolia... If it's not too much of you... Do you think you could sew up my sweater?" He asked. Oddly enough Magnolia wasn't surprised at all, in fact, she had a delightful look. "I would love too! Just give me a second to get my sewing kit!" She said in an excited manner.

Until she came back with sewing supplies, Ron spoke. "I thought you'd say no to me... Only because of how big that torn is." He explains. Magnolia place his sweater and her sewing kit on the table with Ron sitting on the other side.

She smiled. "It just gives me something to do when I'm bored that's why I agreed." She explains while poking a thread into her needle. Ron watched her as she finally pokes through the needle and starts sewing right away, although she pauses like she was trying to remember something. "What's wrong?" Ron said, looking at her. "O-oh! It's nothing, just thinking." She lightly laughed and continued sewing his sweater.

"Hey guys we're here!" A male voice interrupted and adjusting his red muffler then from a long distance, is another girl with colourful tape on her cap trying to catch up with the boy in front of him. "Crimson that was fast did school finish early or something?" Ron questions as Crimson walks closer to him. "Yeah! In fact, I also got you guys something..." Crimson says closing his umbrella and places his bag down to look for something.

Meanwhile, the girl running from the far distance has caught up to Crimson. "Jeez Crimson, I know Valentine's day is your favourite day but at least slowdown!" She says out of breath and closing her umbrella. "Oh right... Sorry about that, oh yeah! Here's your valentine gifts guys!" Crimson says, holding out two pink pouches with a red ribbon on it.

"Oh thank you Crimson! These look lovely!" Magnolia smiled while placing it next to her basket and went straight back to sewing. Crimson smirked and whispered in Ron's ear, causing Ron to open his small pouch as quickly as possible.

He felt something bumpy which he thought was chocolates and felt something smooth at one of the walls of the pouch. "Oh my god," Ron says, face palming and laughing. "I told you I'll get it for you." Crimson laughed.

"Crimson, you are the best!" Ron said, holding his $20 chapters gift card in the air proudly. Magnolia stopped sewing and was curious about what she got in her pouch, she unravelled the ribbon and took out some chocolates and got a button (pin) showing a flower in it.

"Wow! Thanks, Crimson!" She says, placing it back on the table. "Glad you guys like it. Oh yeah! Marine, you said you have something give too?" Crimson says, while the girl with tape stuck onto her cap finally had enough rest and looked up at him.

"A-ah right!" Marine says, reaching into her bag bringing out two cards with the sightly same designs on them. "I made these cards by myself." She says as both Magnolia and Ron thanked her. Magnolia and Ron's front of their card was with lots of drawn chocolates and with 'Happy Valentine!' Inscribed and inside the card was hand drawn macaron's with the words saying 'I don't know what else to write'.

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