❌💜✅Split/side angel (4)

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2021 Edit: This is non canon/canon due to some changes to some characters it will also be rewritten in another book.

(The story may seem the same but the dialogue is different)

A prequel to Snipebrella girl

This is the perspective (POV) of Clouds mind taking place at the same time as Snipebrella girl.

2833 Words

Along time ago. . .  In the 19th century, the one me stood and watched.

"You should be able to go soon." Said the demon beside me. "Good," I said, watching through a mirror showing the war below above me. "Time to go," I said, in a dull tone. I flew to the mirror while all the demons retreated.

It was hard to control, but I managed.

I saw the destruction of what we have done. I saw people helping out each other but one, in particular, seems to be crying, I thought it might be a good place to start off to. I flew down and saw the girl crying while her angel friend comforts her. 

I think I heard her say "I don't wanna hurt anybody anymore!"

She looked at my direction. "W-who *sniff* are you?" She said. "I wanna know the same thing as well!" I said. Both of them didn't speak, I think I should say I'm from above and whatever... I thought "Since no one's speaking I guess I'll do the talking. I'm Clouds. I was sent from Heaven, they said you needed help but I came last. I guess I was late." I acted.

 "Heaven? You mean those guards that help us in battle right now?" The curly-haired girl said. I looked around me and saw angels that look a lot like guards if you think about it. "Yep, that's right!" I said, turning back to them. Both of them looked at each other and looked back. "Okay, Clouds... If you really are from Heaven then what's 12:34 in the bible? Hmm?" She tested me.

If I remember correctly something to do with... Loving one another? "A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so also you must love one another. Correct?" I answered. "Yep! You are correct!" She said, giving her hand to me to shake. I shake her hand, that's easy. The girl behind her was confused.

"Well, then that's settled! Oh! And my name is Windy! Behind me is Rain! Say hi Rain!" Windy said, making Rain jump. "Uhm. Hi..." She shyly said and waved lightly. After a few seconds later another angel came by "Hey, Windy! Rain! We are rebuilding SeasonLand your helping or not...?" He said and looked at me. Oh boy. "Uh, who's this?" He pointed at me.

"Oh! Hi Cloudberry! This is Clouds!" Windy explained. "Is he part of that angel guard group over there?" He said pointing behind him. "Sure is! He's just checking on us." Windy says. Cloudberry smiles and nods at her. "Alright then, I'll meet you guys at the Windmill hill!" He says. 


I accidentally laughed at the thought of all the memories we had done. But what I realized that she saw that I was looking through her book silently. She got frightened, closing her book quickly. I didn't know what to say. So I pretended to go along with my usual quirky self instead. "I didn't know you had a dairy Rain," I said, putting my elbows on the rails of her window and my hands below my cheeks.

She says "How much did you read?" Still frightened by me, Picking up her book and slowly backing away from the window. I tried to remember what she wrote and I spoke "Ah, not too much. War stuff, first meeting my kind of stuff and maybe when you were afraid of hurting people." I said, guessing the last part. Afterwards, her eye twitch was the funniest thing I've ever seen and she started to get angry with me. "You could've said you read half of it!" She yelled.

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