❌💜⚠️A magical kind of evil (1)

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I shot my rockets at one of the airplanes in the sky trying to take my mech down. "Woo! Feels great to always be this evil!" Shouting and laughing, his hair bounced every movement he created with his mech. Citizens run away as one female trips to the ground and I, Vile, being cruel as always, pointed my gun at her. She screams before to my realization there was a ball of light hurtling after her and before I knew it the women slapped it away then- oh wait minute-

The ball of light made Vile unconscious soon realized the light flickered before him and flashed a huge amount of light.

After the flash of light, an unusual magical noise rained from above and a spot of light appeared cutting through the dark clouds to only see a pig with wings fluttering down.

"Ah, I finally found you... Magical warrior...." Suddenly the pig opened its eyes and look like he just regretted his life choices. "Oh great. It's you." It rolled its eyes at me. "Well, guess I have no choice then. My name is Spark the pig and you must be the oh so great moron who thinks villainy is soooo great!" He mocked... At me. "Excuse me!? Take that back or I'll be sure to crush you with this mech!" "Oh, and I wonder how?" The pig smirked at me "This." I raised one my arms of my mech using my hand to flick the pig far away.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk" I take out a notebook and flip a page "Villainy rule no. 4 never show off only when you actually know what you're doing before receiving a punch from irony" he closes the notebook with one hand "irony as in he's weak and I'm the best" as I twirl my finger to point myself proudly.

Relaxing from the back of my chair "but I think I had enough fun, time to go home!" Running on the city's road, soon flying in the air invisible and flew for a couple of hours before reaching my destination. I see my mansion below me and if you mind, my epic master god-like base I created on my own. I land on top of my mansion and open the door to the 3rd floor. "Home sweet home!" kicking off his shoes "Hey Knight!" A butler in his 20's appears behind him picking up his shoes. "Yes, I know master Vile." He sighed. "And just before I gonna have my nap." His eyes tried keeping awake yawning walking down the stairs while Vile ran to his room.

He busts his door open, jumping on his king-size bed... That he stole and holding his squishy pillow, that he also stolen. And before I say anything else what's in his room, everything is all stolen or either bought... With stolen money. As he was so comfortable in his soft bed something fell out of his pocket and took notice "What's this?" he picks up a small circler case with his curiosity he opens the lid to find bright light shining out of the small case. "What.. What the heck!?"

Meanwhile, a pig flies in the air trying to find the one who flicked him away suddenly seeing a huge beam of light across the right side where he was flying. "Oh, goody guess he found it didn't he." The pig changed direction and flew toward the direction where the beam of light was coming from, he chuckled "Hope he likes pink" Soon laughing afterwards.


He raised a brow "So what am I supposed to do now? Throw this thing across the room?" Off-topic, there was a banging noise outside the window until they managed to open the window. Vile looked at the pig that he flicked away a few minutes ago "Okay pig you better tell me what the heck is going on here!" The winged pig rolled his eyes then pointed out what he was holding.

"That, your holding, is the Miracle mirror. What you're supposed to do is say the following words: Miracle magical memories" The pig proudly explains while the villain who sat on his bed is not buying it. "And so what if it turns me into the 'warrior of joy' as that voice said before?" The pig looked at him with a bright idea in mind, he smirked and said "It won't, it's supposed to give you 1 wish, and wish that you desire. That whole warrior of joy means happy humans from our world and says to think before making that wish." The pig snorks and trying to hold his laughter.

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