💜✅Matchstick boy (3)

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(Edited writing and pictures!)

Added new drawings :D

877 words

My story?


Well, I can maybe tell you just a little bit.

A long, long time ago, in the 18th century. I was born in 1830. In 1839 I was 9 years old. When I heard about matches, I was amazed by how it melts and burns things.

I even got one pack of matches on my birthday since of course, my mother and father were annoyed by me bothering them to buy matches for me.

I use the matches outside of my house and light them toward an object to let it burn. The most favourite thing I love to burn is clocks. The way they melt and burn into nothing is very satisfying.

This one time, I was caught burning a clock that my grandmother owned and that was passed down to my mother. She yelled at me and told me I cannot use matches ever again.

I was angry.

I want it back.

No matter how many times I told her. Amount of times I whined at her, she'd never give it back to me. All she said was "Matches are only for the fireplace! Not for your fun!"

I was so angry during those times...

But I found where she hid the matches.

It was under her bed.

I reach out under her bed and snatched it right away and ran to my room, excited to use it again. The rays of light quickly went on my face as running through the hallway. Soon opening the door to my room, bringing my wooden toys outside and burn them all until I have no matches left. I loved it. The flames started to quiet down as now I have no toys nor matches.

Now that I have nothing else to burn nor any matches, what was my young self do? glad you asked.

I found more matches under my mother's bed. Sometimes I heard conversations from my mother and father "Rivers, did you took the matches under your mother's bed?". My father asked me I told him I didn't and we both had an argument but I manage to win because he had to leave for work.

I had nothing else to burn, all I had was just my bedroom furniture and clothes. If I burn mother and father's stuff they'll surely never have matches exist in this house ever again.

Besides, that's what I don't want to happen.

I go outside one day, I found bugs outside... It gave me an idea.

Instead of burning the objects I have in my house. I can burn bugs too!

And so every day I did that. Watching them burn with the rest of them.

And yes.

This is what did for a living.

Over time I got bored with burning bugs and heard noises behind our house.

It was a bird stuck in between my neighbour's fence. I looked at my box of matches and looked at the bird.

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