💜✅Ice and Electricity 2

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2021 Edit: The only non canon thing is Sheep meeting Calytrix on the bus

(Please note that the address he gave to calytrix is a joke but just pretend he sends her the address XD)

(Another note this story kinda one of my favourites XD and also this might be a little longer than other stories so yeah... )

1359 words

During a Friday night, a certain girl was playing games on her Pc while texting her friend.

(Oliver) Just a casual olive: That's his address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJsy5jJ7Dp0

oh thanks, Oliver I'm playing games rn: Lighting speedy boi (Calytrix)

Just a casual olive: Oh I see that's why your texts have typo's in them XD

sghut yuip: Lighting speedy boi

sorry, this t-bagger tried to kill me. : Lighting speedy boi

Just a causal olive: Righhht. Anyways I gtg to bed see ya calytrix.

kk bye: Lighting speedy boi

Calytrix places her phone down and watches the green lettering on her screen appear, 'GAME!' And the character she chose does their victory pose, she looked at the time on her clock and decided to head bed.


A beam of light spreads around her room as Calytrix shuffles around in her bed. She groans and sat up, taking her phone to check to see the time that appeared at 12:45 AM.

Calytrix yawned placing her feet to her cold oak wooden floor. She prepares to go outside by putting on a white-collar t-shirt, light yellow knitted sweater, blueberry coloured jeans, black and white running shoes and her yellow backpack with a bunny keychain. After preparing to go out, she had some breakfast and before departing, her mother was about to say something, but by the time she closed the door she shrugged and figured that it has to do with her staying up late.

She walks to the bus stop and stands by it, while the clouds above her form dark patches in the skies. The bus stops at her location and while stepping into the bus she held a pole beside a person she was unfamiliar with. They looked to be cosplayed as sheep and holding a shepherd's crook except more sharper than usual. On the other hand, Calytrix couldn't ignore this person, she didn't know if she should ask to get a picture or ask him what video game he's from.

Suddenly their head turned toward Calytrix which startled her. She gripped onto the pole harder and smiled at him nervously. "So your gonna keep staring at me or.." He raised a brow "Sorry, you kinda look a lot like a cool cosplayer. " Calytrix covers her mouth "I mean, er- I- Uhm...." She panics as she tries to figure out a lie, he sighs. "That's alright, I get that a lot, I'm not actually a cosplayer, I'm a human-sheep hybrid."

Calytrix thought for a moment and snickered. "Okay if you were a real sheep move your ears." He did as she said and lifted both his ears up and down. She was shocked at first but soon she replied, "O-ok! Maybe those are fake ears!" Peering under his sheep ears she wasn't able to find any humanoid ears. She swiftly let's go of his sheep ears in fear of how creepy it looked without ears under it.

"Whoa, you are a hybrid of a human and a sheep." He smiles in relief. "Thank god... You actually took a few seconds realizing that I'm a hybrid. Usually, it takes them hours to eventually figure it out." He then goes on explaining how his ears work, such as being sensitive to sound and how it might hurt his ears if someone loud is next to him.

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