💜✅The sad story of a... (1)

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This used to be where 'The Thunders Fire' was I took it out thinking I should put it in the second book because I don't have any ideas for it yet.

639 Words


I still saw their smiles.

We defeated him.


I could finally no longer have to suffer.



No one remembers.

They all beat me up as that's the reward I get.

They said.

"Hero? Your still trying to trick us aren't you."

It's upsetting.

After all, I did get this far until the end.

Sage, even you don't remember me.

The person who stood in front of me waved his hand to them.

"Leave him here."

Still echoes in my head.

Why would he do this to me?

He kicks me whispers to me

"I'm the real hero now."


They all laughed happily glad that he's alive.

I layed on the floor tearing up as you, Sage, gave me your last look.

The door closes as I was left in the dark......

I threw the small bouncy ball to the wall, repeatedly catching and throwing it. I sat in my royal blue throne, yawning and waiting for something exciting to happen. I close my eyes remembering the painful experiences from what stayed a long time.

I threw the ball in the wrong direction and rolls over an unknown area. I sigh out "When can I go back and do it again." Sitting back to a normal position on my throne as memory triggers from my
experience in the past.

"Sage, why are you out here?" I sat down next to her on the sidewalk next to Willy's house. "Please go back inside ____ . " "Why should I? it's cold out here, besides why are you awake at this time?" I look at her eyes flooded with tears, she sniffles.

"I had a bad dream and I didn't want to wake all of you up if I did cry." I looked at the starry sky seeing the tree's branches behind us. "What kind of dream was it?" I say at last as she wipes her tears.

"Well, the truth is.. I saw you alone and saw ____ and everyone having fun without you. I walked over to you and told me to forget about you and have fun with the rest" She tears up again and wipes it with her sleeve.

"____ What if I forget you?" I looked at her. "No, I don't think that'll happen, Sage, those happen in fairytales and movies it's not possible." "But what if it does? I don't want to forget you!" She looks at me seriously as I thought for a moment and took off a watch on my wrist handing it to her.

"Then, if you do keep this so you'll know it's mine. On the other hand, you said this is your favourite watch right? That's why I'm giving it to you because you always see me wear this." I smiled at her as she thanked me.

Good memories that should've lasted longer. I realize I was dazed by staring at the closed doors in front of me, the same doors they shut on me before I became the new me.

I trailed my eyes to a clock to my left. It seems to be time to do what villains do I guess.

I stood up from my throne and walked to the doors opening one of them.

"Sage... I hope you kept it close to you."

Closing the doors behind me.

Start 5/31/2019
Edited 9/10/2019

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