❌⚠️Wolf girl's remedy (3)

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A part of one of my comics :3

first written on: 12/16/2018

" Always remember to forgive no matter what. "

" But I hate them! It's not fair for them for not letting me join their game! "

" I know your mad at them for a little while or maybe even upset, but you have to forgive them okay? "

" But why Moma? They also tease me for my wolf ears! So why should I? "

" Oh sweet heart, everyone in life don't always have a perfect and happy life, besides, maybe that's why they were teasing you, for your uniqueness. "

" My ears and tail? "

" of course you silly billy"

" Someone will come around to cheer you up, you just got to find the right person to help you in return, however, do not expect that they'll always help you in return all the time, because then, they'll feel as if they're used. "

"But what if the person who is sad can't find the right person?"

" If they cannot find the right person to make themselves happy they will instead try to be happy on their own. It either go in a bad or good direction in their life depending on what they think makes them happy. But for now it's time to go to bed. "

"Okay.. Moma, good-night and thank you."

"Good-night and your welcome sweet heart. Sweet dreams."

*Closes door*


" But... Who will come to cheer me up? "




Sun rays breaks through the leaves when the wolf girl sleeps on a branch in the middle of the forest. She hears faint shouting in the distance, yawning and stretching everything in her body she slips and falls into very comfy yet pointy bush. She hops off it and shakes violently to get the leaves and sticks off her body. Once she's done she finally picks up her staff, heading out from the woods.

"Come on Martin! Let's go before- oh what the hell.." Without anytime to react a girl with a energetic attitude comes running towards him waving at the one who shouted to his friend.

She accidentally trips on a crack on the pavement. Martin, however, finally tied up the last of the neighbors yelled at them for their news papers back. "Oh suck it up people! It's just news papers!" The blonde hair teen yells back.

The girl who tripped on the pavement dusted off dirt in her skirt and looked up seeing both of them taking the news papers on a shopping cart. "Ooh what you guys doing?" The girl beamed "Non of you busin-" "We're stealing news papers!" His friend, Martin, interrupts. Rowan rolls his eyes, crossing his arms and stares at him. "Every time, everyday..." "What? She only asked a question Rowan." "Are we supposed to talk to our enemy?" "No." "Exactly, now shut up." Rowan starts moving the shopping cart to a steep hill.

"Oh god, oh god, oooOOOH GOD!" Martin screams as Rowan synced with Martin's voice until he started laughing. "So long Lovi! Because we're- Shi-" They both crash onto a post as Lovi covers her eyes before she opens them. She sees both of them fallen out of the shopping cart with a bunch of news papers on the ground. Turning around she sees the police pulled up from behind and untying the people who's news paper were stolen.

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