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1098 words

Kinda long and also needs editing ;-;

Also enjoy :D

Or either make fun of it. (Cuz sometimes I make fun of my own stories, for not making any sense then fixing it later on. XD)

Coated with colours is a blank sheet of paper but looking upon closer inspection there was a drawing on it. What also can be seen is a giggling child and the drawing on the paper laughing aswell, showing both drawer and them having so much fun together. They used to do funny comics together, draw together, and play with eachother.


As the drawer grew older.

Things have been different.

They no longer had fun with eachother as much as they used to, but sometimes they do play with eachother, it's just that he's mostly getting his work done for his job.

Meanwhile, Drawer's colourful friend stood and watched them drawing, his colorful friend spoke. "Drawer, could we perhaps make something funny? Just like when we made those funny comics of me?" They said. "I can't, this work is important Colors. How about you go and have fun with your friends instead?" The drawer said.

The colorful drawing was disappointed and decided to go elsewhere leaving their friend back in their room to work.

They find there other friends in the living room, Zack and Pally, "Hey guys..." The colourful drawing said, in a upset tone. The both of them were playing volleyball, soon Zack caught the ball and saw his colourful upbeat drawing friend depressed, he spoke, "Aw, what's gotten you down in the dumps good ol' colourful one?" Zack asked.

His friend shaded into darker colours, notifying them that they are upset. "W-well it's just that Drawer usually never has time with us..." Colors said, making Zack have a shocked look on his face.

"What! That's-a ridiculous! Our creator does have time for all of us! Well unless they turn older... But still! It doesn't mean he-a doesn't love us anymore it's just that he's-a busy- Ah! Stupid accents! Cut it out alrighty!" Zack yelled. Soon Zack looked at the both of his friends and they all laughed.

"I'm so glad i'm your friends. You guys always cheer me up whenever Drawer isn't able to spend some time and have fun with us." Colors said, smiling. Soon Zack looked like he had an idea "Oh hey! You know what else can make you feel-a better?" Zack asked, smiling in glee.

Both Pally and Colors looked at eachother and back at Zack. "What?" Both said. "Playing on Drawer's laptop!" Zack said, making both Pally and Colors following Zack and start finding a game on Y8.

The three of them played all day on Drawer's old laptop, until they felt tired and went to sleep.

In the morning Colors realize that Pally and Zack are gone, Colors looked around the whole room. They started thinking."Oh, maybe they woke up before me. Whoops! I guess I stayed up too late." They thought. Then Colors picked up his pencil and drew a magic carpet to find them.

After a long search for looking for their friends in the kitchen he saw Drawer in the living room. They were looking at a painting with a bunch of papers in hand. "Oh! Good mor-" Suddenly pausing after flying beside Drawers shoulder, Colors was shock what papers said.

"I don't need you." Scribbled harshly and mutiple times on the paper. Drawer looked at them with an strange look on their face. The room turned black and they held some strings which connected to Colors. He was moved around by Drawer, while struggling, he was throwed into a jail cell followed by a large lock on it. Drawer picked up the cage and threw it into the sea....


Colors woke up quickly as possible, startling both his friends in the process playing UNO. "Golly colors! Gave me quite a scare!" Zack stated, turning his head toward him. Pally also looked at Colors aswell. "Did you have a nightmare Colors?" Pally said. "Yeah.. *gulps* S-something like that" Colors said.

"Must've been scary huh lad? *Sighs* Oh golly why, was I created to have these accents.." Zack says, scratching his head thinking which card to place down. Pally giggles at him. "Well, after all he was pretty young when he created you Zack, I came after you and I'm glad I dont have multiple accents like you." Pally laughed.

"If yer sayin' that's funny, how about the time you realize yer infinite items in ya pockets? You kept pulling out crazy weapons and such. Amigo if ye think I'm bad, you would literally take out a totem pole out of ye pockets of yours and wack it at me." Zack explained, placing a card down and waits for Pally's turn.

Pally gets slightly irritated, "Unfortunately I lost. And also can we not talk about that? Awful memories about those times." Pally said. "Well I mean who started it first? Oh yeah ye did. You were at thee who carried this conversation into that amigo." Zack argued. Colors starts to break up the conversation.

"Hey guys maybe arguing isn't a good time.. I mean it's sunny outside today and I woke up! Don't you guys think that we should have some fun?" Colors explains crossing his fingers hoping that they'll stop arguing, although colors doesn't really have fingers instead they pretend to.

"Yer right Colors, sorry about that." Zack apologizes. "Sorry Colors and Zack, I guess I did got carried away." Pally said, rubbing her elbow. "That's alright Pally- Oh!" Zack says and had a look on his face like he remembered something. "I almost forgot Drawer came-a over here and-da told us he's going to take us to his-a workplace today." Zack explained.

"Really?! He usually never takes us to his workplace! Ooh boy I can't wait!!" Colors said, jumping excitingly. Just then the doorknob's door shook and the door opened showing Drawer ready for work. "Oh your awake Colors, I suggest we all know where we're going today right?" Drawer says, walking up to the three of them.

"Yeah! To your workplace right?!" Colors excitedly said. Drawer smiled, "Yep, thats where all of us are going today. Just quickly hop into my bag and we're on our way." Drawer said, opening one of his side pockets.

They all hopped into his messenger bag accept for colors, he grabbed his pencil and went into the pocket again. Drawer closed his door to his from his room while his little friends cheers.

To be countinue?


Fin: 2/9/2019

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