Chapter 1

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Its been a while since Camila took a walk but after the day she just had, it was best that she got out of the house for a while. Everything was falling apart and she didn't know how she was going to get through it all on her own.

Rob and mom are having issues again and its difficult to get a good night's sleep if you're awake half the night listening to them rumble and rant about every little thing that was wrong in the world! This is the reason I wish Dinah were still in New York- She always knew how to cheer me up and take my mind off things.


"I'm soo sorry!! I am not paying any attention to where the hell I'm walking", exclaimed Camila.

"No, no that was my bad dude," replied the stranger.

Camila lifted her gaze and locked eyes with the green orbs that belonged to the girl in front of her.

"Wow.. I mean ow!'' Camila quickly dropped her gaze and started rubbing her shin to distract the girl from her obvious compliment.

"It's okay. Are you Alright? Did you hurt yourself?" she looked down in concern at Camila's leg .

"I'm fine," Camila said as she straightened up to face the girl again.

"I'm Camila by the way.."

"Hi, I'm Lauren. It's really nice to meet you," she smiled.

Camila felt her cheeks getting warm. "Are you from around here?" She asked to distract the green eyed girl.

"No, I'm actually just here visiting family. You must be from New York for sure though.." She said while eyeing Camila from head to toe.

"What is that supposed to mean" Camila asked raising an eyebrow.

"I just mean you've got the whole cute, brooding thing down pretty well.." Lauren smirked.

Camila couldn't help but smile at the attempt of flirtation coming from the green eyed girl. She looked down at her feet and then back up to meet the green orbs. Holy shit. She's stunning.

"You're quite the charmer Lauren, but I really need to leave. Nice meeting you!" Camila spun on her heel and continued walking back the way she came. Making sure she walked with a purpose so Lauren wouldn't decide to stop her.

Lauren couldn't help but stare at the view right up until Camila disappeared around the corner.



The sun is extremely loud today and I am not in the mood to walk anywhere. Rob's idea of getting to know me is by forcing me to wake up extra early every Sunday to take Rascal for a walk in the park and then he attempts to bribe me with frozen yoghurt and Subway. And lets face it, there's only so many times one can have fro-yo before getting sick of it.
I'm at that point Rob.
So stop.

I turn on my side to avoid the sun and I try to fall asleep again. But the sun beating on my back and the smell of burnt toast coming from downstairs is enough to get me out of bed, showered and plonked on the couch in front of the TV.

Riverdale is all I need today.

Just as I'm about to start the third episode, my phone rings.

It's Dinah Facetiming.

D: "Wals!! I missed your face Choncha!"

C: "Damn China! It feels like you've been away for way too long.."

D: "Everything okay? You seem a little out of it?"

C: "Yeah, no, I mean just the usual you know? Mom.. Rob.. Soph.."

D: "That bad huh?.."

C: "Yeah.. when do you get back?"

D: "This weekend boo boo!! And we're going out on the town as soon as I land! You better get your lazy ass up and ready to party"

C: "Honestly I..."

D: "No Wals! I'm not going to accept any excuses! You deserve some time away from everything and everyone! Just you and I like the old days!"

C: "Okay.. I guess that sounds fun"

D: "Okay boo boo! I have to go now. My boss is a pain in my ass! But I'll call as soon as I land okay? I love you!"

C: "Love you too!"

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