Chapter 4

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Papi's is packed. We can barely walk through the crowd to get to the bar. When we finally get there, Dinah orders two cocktails and jokes that they're both for her. I might need two of my own to get through this night.

Dinah is very extroverted. She doesn't hesitate when it comes to meeting new people and approaching guys. I, on the other hand, am very shy. Social anxiety if you will. But tonight, I gave myself a pep talk and I am convinced that I am the best wing woman in the room.

After a great catch up session, and three drinks down, Dinah decides that she wants to sing a song on the karaoke stage. Despite my strong hesitation, she manages to coerce me into joining her. We picked a classic and made our way to the stage.

C: "I swear Dinah, if I didn't have liquid courage right now, you'd be doing this on your own!!"

D: "Shhh Wals!! It's going to be sooo much fun"

Dinah leads the way, guiding me through the crowd with her one hand latched onto mine while she uses the other, to shove everyone aside.

We reach the stage and I hesitate before I follow right behind Dinah. She's so freakin' confident! I don't know how she does it! I can feel my knees shaking, and the lights feel like they're burning through my skin. Looking down at my feet, I can hear my heart beating as loud as a drum in my ears and suddenly I feel Dinah take hold of my hand and almost instantly feel a lot more comfortable.

A smirk spreads across my face and I look up into the crowd as the music begins to play. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, open them again and Dinah squeezes my hand to signal that I am starting the song..

"... I know a girl
She puts the color inside of my world
But, she's just like a maze
Where all of the walls all continually change
And I've done all I can
To stand on her steps with my heart in my hand
Now I'm starting to see
Maybe It's got nothing to do with me..."

I turn to Dinah and signal her to join me for the chorus..

"Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers be good to your daughters, too.."

The song eventually ends and I suddenly forget that we're in a crowded karaoke bar, and it feels like Dinah and I are alone in her bedroom. It feels like we're just jamming to songs like we usually do. Just the two of us, comfortable.. Happy.. In our element.

A loud roar from the crowd breaks through my thoughts and I'm suddenly aware that the crowd is going absolutely mental. They actually enjoyed our rendition of the legendary John Mayer's- Daughters.
I can feel my face fluster and then Dinah literally jumps ontop of me with excitement, squeezing my body to death!!

D: "Oh my gosh! You freakin' killed that babe!!! Who knew you had it in you!! I told you it would be fun!!

She squished my face and pulled it towards hers, before planting a big wet one on my cheek.

C: "Eww Dinah!!..." I wipe her smooch off my cheek before eventually admitting that it really was kinda fun.

Walking off the stage, I had this sense of overwhelming happiness. Something that I haven't felt in such a long time and something that only two things can make me feel: music and love. It felt like butterflies in my tummy, but better. It felt like I was floating on a cloud and all I could see was the clear blue sky, feel the sun on my skin, and the fresh air in my lungs. This is exactly what I needed.


C: "I'm so sorry, I wasn't loo...."

Frustrated with myself for not ever paying attention to where I'm walking, I bend down to pick up my phone that has just fallen. Just as I stand up again, my eyes meet the green orbs that are inches away from mine. My heart instantly does somersaults and I feel the blood rushing to my face. Damn.

I've looked into these eyes before. I know these eyes..

"Hi... Camila?"


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