Chapter 19

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The sun barely just came up and my eyes open naturally like they usually do. I sigh because like always, for the first 5 minutes of opening my eyes, I dread getting out of bed. When I'm over it, I get out of bed, hop in and out of the shower and get dressed. I have two meetings this morning and one later this afternoon so I decide to go full on corporate with the dress code. A black fitted pants, a white shirt with the collar open, black stilletos and a matching black blazer. Leaving my hair in natural waves has become a lazy habit but it doesn't look half bad so I keep doing it anyway.

I decide to walk up the block to Starbucks to pick up some coffee before I call for an Uber to get to work. Starbucks is packed. As usual. Luckily for me, I'm good friends with Terry who works here. I walk up to the front of the queue and try to make eye contact with her. As soon as she notices me, I wink and she nods and winks back and just like that, it's sorted.
I move to the side and wait for my usual order. Checking my phone for any new emails that might have come in, I notice someone approaching me from the corner of my eye.

"Well, if it isn't Lauren heart-breaker Jauregui"

Fuck. I'd know that voice anywhere.


L: "Oh.. Hey Luce. What's up?" I shift uncomfortably from one foot to another, taking her in from head to toe. She was always a really beautiful girl.

Lu: "I could ask you the same question. I haven't seen you around in a while."

L: "Well.. That's usually how break ups work, Luce.. "

Lu: "Okay. I just thought that you would still want to be friends, considering everything we've been through together, you know? No one else knows what you went through with your mom..."

L: "Okay?!!  thanks." I interrupt her quickly.

L: "You can stop there. Look, I know. You were there for me and I was able to open up about so many painful things, but that was because I loved you and trusted you, Lucy. And I expect that whatever was shared between us stays that way, out of respect for me and.... I guess, for what we had."

Lu:"Oh don't get your panties in a bunch, babe. I wasn't threatening you.. Just merely stating facts."

"A grande Caramel latte with soy milk for Lauren?"

L: "That's my order. I have to go."

Lu: "Yeah okay.. I'll be seeing you around, Jauregui."

What the fuck. No you won't.

I step out of Starbucks and into my Uber that was waiting outside for me.

Work is really busy. And even though I had a couple of meetings, my mind kept wondering back to what Lucy had said earlier. The fact is that no one else knows me as well as she does, no one else knows about my past and something about that made me very anxious. This meeting seems like it's going on for hours, so I slip out my phone and start typing a text.

"Hi, Luce. I've been thinking about our little bump-in this morning. I was wondering if you wanted to meet for coffee later to talk? Let me know. Thanks."

As soon as I hit send. A heavy feeling of guilt swept over me like a haunting ghost and sat on my head like a heavy ton of bricks. I don't know what made me text her or what exactly I was going to say if she agreed to meet with me, but something inside me, something deep deep inside me, crept up and made me text her like it was the norm. Like it was 5 months ago.

Only a few seconds later, my phone buzzes and I check my notifications without opening the message.

"Lucy: Took you long enough. Our usual spot? 7pm? Cool. See you there."

I honestly couldn't help but smile at her text. This daunting feeling of nostalgia took over very quickly and I shook my head in an attempt to snap out of it. She always did take control of everything.



It's been a long day at work and I had just helped Mr Nelson lock up when I received a message from Lauren.

"Hi babe, can't FaceTime tonight but I'll call you when I get home. Xx"

I shrug and text back that it's okay and figure that she probably has work to do.

Alright. Well, I'll give Dinah a call and see if she wants to come over and watch Riverdale instead.

The breeze feels colder than usual this evening, but just as well, because I have been standing next to a giant oven for most of the day today. The stars are twinkling and the moon looks so beautiful. Something about the moon makes me feel connected to Lauren. The moon pendent I wear on my wrist is a reminder of the promise she made me that night. I smile up at the moon, thinking back to our first date when Lauren asked me to officially be hers. Thinking about it still makes the butterflies in my stomach feel just as intense as they were on that night.

It's 21:30 and Dinah and I are plonked in front of the TV binging season 3 of Riverdale. She ordered pizza and brought it over with her and I made us mocktails to go with it.

D: "okay, Damn fam! I actually get it now.."

I smile and roll my eyes knowing exactly why Dinah had just said that. But I ask anyway,

C: "And what is it that you get, babe?"

D: "Well, the whole girl on girl thing! I mean look at Toni and Cheryl, for goodness sake! They're actually pretty sexy together. I'm actually rooting for a happy ending for Choni. Is this how it is for you and Lauren, too? Is the sexual tension so thick, we need one of those bread cutters from your bakery to cut it??"

She raises her eyebrows and nudges me playfully while sipping on her mojito.

I can't help but laugh.

C:"Oh, calm down. Choni is way sexier for sure!"

D: "No way! You can't downplay this shit now, chonch. I can picture it now, actually. Lauren is freaking hot with her dark hair and green eyes and you're a total catch with your long brown hair and stunning features. I bet you guys look hot AF making out!! Tell me I'm wrong??"

I burst out laughing and throw a used serviette directly at her face. Shut up Dinah.

D:"I'm serious, Mila. I'm rooting for... Uhm... Let's see.."

I'm intrigued by the depth of thought that's going on in Dinah's head right now. She sits with her elbow rested on her knee, tapping her chin with her index finger and blinking up towards the ceiling"

C: "Uh.. Are you malfunctioning?? Shall I give you the Heimlich?"

D: "Oh, shush! I'm thinking..."

And then she says it. And when she does, my heart melts into a little puddle of goo on the floor. And I can't help but smile at how good it actually sounds.

D: "Camren!"


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