Chapter 1

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Approximately two weeks have gone by since the battle in the underworld. I had returned to the surface with Jennifer and we tried to go back to living our "normal" lives. But I could never look at her the same being the giantess princess. My "normal" life is now without my mom. I've come to accept that my mom is gone for good. Now I have foster parents who aren't the greatest but I know they're trying their best. I've never been really able to connect to my foster mom or dad. They have a son who's my foster brother (who's named Kevin) & he's the only one I've grown somewhat close to even though he's four years older than I am. My foster dad always try to sell the 2017 Lamborghini Aventador SV I bought with money I summoned (roughly half a million dollars). I'm always stuck trying to stop him from doing it (even though almost nobody can afford it). Every day me & my foster brother work on the car usually modifying the engine using even more expensive parts. We usually spend at least three hours a day working on it in the complex's garage listening to songs like, "Nothing Left To Say" by Imagine Dragons, or "How Far We've Come" by Matchbox 20 which is my favorite song & Jennifer's too. I hid a red and black one sided sword in the driver side door for emergencies. We also installed larger & more powerful speakers into the car. On my own time I installed a A.I. named Roland into the car which activates automatically activates when the car is turned on. I personally programmed him so he's smarter than most people and not as socially stupid as Siri. He has a yellow holographic model that turns on right in the middle of the dash board when activated. And the circular stand he was projected from rotated allowing him to see in many different directions.
And I just feel like my foster mom & dad are my care takers temporarily. Where I live now with my foster parents is a condo on the third floor of the building. The condo is in a small town next to New York City that I can't remember the name of. And if you were wondering, I did get in trouble for murdering a bunch of cops but got away with it for apparently having "mental" issues and I did of course have my butterfly knife confiscated as a murder weapon. While, for the most part that's fine by me. The humans can think whatever they want about me as they have no clue whats really going on anyways.
     Soon it was late in the day & I was no longer in school ever because I skipped everyday now with no punishment & so did Jennifer. So, we decided to go to a night club & no, not a strip club, just a normal night club with the standard bar. We met outside the club with her usual outfit. The club was on a somewhat main street but not really. I looked inside then soon after, I walked in first with her following close behind me. We got strange looks from everyone in there when we sat at the big comfy chairs in a circle in the corner. This club never checked for ID's which is what this club is known for. We talked for a while about the battle of the underworld. We had people staring at us like we were the insane ones & not the raging alcoholics at the bar. Soon, the conversation ended & it got awkward so I got up & went to the bathroom. I washed my face because I felt like it & while I had my head down & my eyes closed as I splashed water in my face when I looked up a really shady guy had walked into the bathroom with me. I turned around & red flags went off in my head as this guy wreaked of alcohol. He looked super wasted too & clearly was. He had his hands in his black jacket pockets & I was pretty sure he was reaching for a knife or gun of some sort. I really didn't want to cause a scene in the bathroom that would probably draw an absurd amount of attention to the bathroom if there was a gunshot. He didn't draw a knife or gun like I expected but he began to transform into a standard grey werewolf before my very eyes. His clothes & everything ripped. He stood on his two hind legs easily a foot or so taller than me at about six and a half feet tall blocking the doorway. His mouth was full of a row of razor sharp teeth easily able to tear through flesh to the bone & his mouth was dripping saliva. He inched closer to me & I had to make a split second decision, try to hide in a stall or bring it out into the main room of the club. I decided to bring it out into the main room of the club and I slipped by the werewolf into the main room slamming the door behind me to the bathroom. I sprinted over to Jennifer grabbing her hand.
      "We have to go like now." She looked at me confused obviously as I hadn't provided her with an explanation or anything without warning. Then the werewolf burst down the bathroom door & the chatter died completely. The music playing was dub-step & the werewolf grabbed a table by the bathroom & chucked it across the room through the main window to the street shattering it. The werewolf locked eyes on me & jumped practically across the room to me. Most people in the bar ran out but a few stayed & I tried to punch the werewolf but punched a really big buff guy & he tried to punch me back but I ducked & he hit another guy near me & a full out brawl in the bar broke out. Chairs were being thrown around along with the tables. Jennifer got attacked by a bunch of guys but I couldn't help her as I a bigger threat to deal with being the werewolf who clawed at me grazing my arm. My arm to started to bleed & I tried to summon  a weapon but when I attempted to the werewolf clawed at me again & I failed to. I ran over to the bar vaulting behind the counter. Just to my luck there was a taser for if things ever got out of hand in the bar on the lower shelf for the bar tender to use but the bar tender had bailed. It was the type of taser that shot two long wire like things with needles on the ends that would electrocute whatever it got stuck to violently. I peaked up over the counter thinking the werewolf would be right there but it wasn't & I looked around confused. I didn't see it until I looked up realizing it jumped up. I aimed it quickly & pulled the trigger & the needle things on the end met their mark. The werewolf got severely shocked to the point of being paralyzed by it. I kept my hand on the trigger as the werewolf fell out of the air onto the ground jerking about violently as electricity surged through it. I vaulted back over the counter quickly running over to Jennifer tossing the taser aside onto a nearby table. I kicked both guys attacking her in the groin causing them to collapse in pain as I grabbed her hand & she blushed bruised a little. I grabbed the taser stuffing it into my jacket & I heard loud sirens in the distance. I ran out of the bar holding her hand & we ran for what seemed like forever until we were like half a mile away from the bar. We stopped at a diner sitting at a table inside. And wouldn't you know it, there was a live news report of the bar we were just at from a helicopter. In the little horizontal rectangle at the bottom it read, "STANDOFF BETWEEN DOG CREATURE & POLICE AT LOCAL BAR BRAWL". Jennifer & I just watched. I began to wonder if I should go back to help the police because the only way the cops would be able to kill the werewolf would be if they used silver which they definitely wouldn't have but I figured they would probably use a taser on it like I did & then take in for experiments or something for the government. I felt guilty for leaving the humans to handle the monster on their own but I wasn't getting in trouble with the police again for being part of the bar brawl because they would be able to tell by Jennifer's bruises or if they saw her they would probably accuse me of abusing her or something due to having "mental" issues.

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