Chapter 4

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I couldn't tell if I had woken up or if it was a dream. But I was back at my old house somehow; where I lived with my mom except it looked like it was in the early 2000's and freshly built. I was in between the kitchen and the living room, when my mom walked in with a strange man from the garage. He looked like me but older and his eyes were a strange shade of silver wearing typical clothing from the 2000's with overly sized cargo shorts and a patchwork denim jacket with a plain white t-shirt under it. And a belt with three rows of studs on it. All of which didn't match at all leaving behind a confusing style. They were holding hands.
My mom smiled at the man, almost happily, "I love you so much, Remington." I had never heard my mom mention anyone with that name. He smiled back at her half heartedly like he was uncomfortable and her smile faded quickly after she realized.
She looked at him concerned now, "What's wrong honey?"
He sighed "I've been meaning to tell you for a long time now but..." He hesitated heavily.
She was intrigued but also nervous, "What?"
He almost mumbled under his breath, "I'm actually a god from the underworld."
She giggled thinking it was a joke. He stared at her coldly indicating he wasn't kidding around. She looked deeply into his eyes, confused. "Are you death?"
He chuckled a bit to himself. "No, death doesn't come to the surface ever for reasons you can probably figure out, like causing the last deadly plague."
She laughed nervously. "Then what are you the god of? A cult?"
He cracked a grin gently, "I can see why you'd say that but no, I'm the god of darkness and corrupt magic."
She rubbed the back of her neck twisting her foot back and fourth, "Does that include love spells?"
He shook his head again, "Those sort of spells wouldn't be up to a evil god in the underworld."
She giggled, "I don't care what you are, I still love you." She leaned in for a kiss. Then a window being broken came from upstairs and crying soon followed suite from what sounded like a baby. They looked at each other for a split second before running upstairs. I followed not having any control of what I was seeing. Then rushed to the where the baby was but the door was closed and the man reached for the door knob trying to twist it but it was locked. "Damn it!" My mom had her hands over her mouth as the crying got louder but the man kicked down the door. There was two people with gray wings with attached to their backs with a crib with a mobile over it. One was a lady holding the baby who looked like me. The other was a man with a big dagger with a glowing green liquid. Remington or my mother's lover, yelled at her to get down before he burst into a darkness before transforming into a really jacked and dark skinned demon looking thing only having on a loincloth and a large ring made of a dark black material floating behind him with ancient looking symbols carved into it. He was levitating a few inches off the ground. The lady with the wings flew out of the window that was shattered behind her. The man charged at Remington trying to swing at him but Remington moved his hand clenching his fist to the right and the man being grabbed by what looked like a hand made of shadows. The man was thrown violently by the shadow hand and went flying through the crib and wall of the house leaving a large hole. Then through many more houses down the block punching a hole through all of them. The man then floated towards the broken window and reached outwards with his hand and a large hand and arm made of shadows spiraled outwards at the escaping lady but soon grabbed her and violently pulled her back into the house. She screamed as the shadows devoured her and the baby almost fell to the floor before being caught by another hand made of shadows. The baby was unscathed somehow and the lady had disappeared into thin air. Remington became human again having the clothes he had on before again but the shadow arm stayed that was holding the baby and the arm retracted towards him placing the baby into his grasp. My mom peered into the room horrified. "Who were they?!"
He placed the baby into her hands clearly stressed out. "I have to leave now. They've found me." The baby started crying again when it was handed over to my mom. He quickly began to walk back downstairs towards the front door before she followed him still holding the baby looking at him confused before the room somehow fixed itself back to perfect condition. "Where are you going!?" She yelled at him. "You can't leave me alone with OUR baby!" He turned to look at her for a quick moment and walked quickly back over to her grabbing the crying baby and kissing it on the forehead. Before putting the baby on the couch briefly and giving my mother a long kiss goodbye. After one long and gross minute they retracted and she started crying. He turned around without another word and began to head for the door. She grabbed the crying baby and followed him out the door. She screamed at him, "Stop!" But not even a second later a portal opened beneath him and he fell into it disappearing into nothing leaving her alone with the baby in the doorway both crying. She looked around before going back inside the house & slamming the door. Then everything abruptly faded to darkness. I heard a familiar voice, like my fathers' "You discovered what you never should've...."

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