Chapter 10

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I knew I'd have to find Jennifer food soon or she'd be too weak if we got into a fight but only a few hours had passed since we separate from the others. Still no word from Michael at all. We had been running from one building to another reducing the time out in the open to a minimal. We had no clue who or what we were against now. The enemy could be more demigods or just more stupid lab rats like Michael. We walked into a small building that had been absolutely trashed like a tornado had gone through it. There was only one smashed window which I think was for displaying stuff due to a mannequin being in it. But it was on the far side of the wall and a glass door was to the left with a bell over it. The glass on the door was smashed. I began to think we were in what was supposed to be a store. I looked around to confirm it and saw there was a counter. Behind the counter was a light switch. I walked over to the counter and turned the switch to the on position but the lights didn't turn on. The power must've been cut which I didn't think about until after I tried it. I walked over to the smashed window peaking outside to see across the street was a school. It's windows were smashed in too and the front doors were wedged half open. The front of the school was attached to the street. There was only a tiny parking lot to the left of it. The school was made of bricks with gray stones as accents. It looked like a school for young children maybe like middle school. looked at Jennifer and Michael who were both checking out what was on the ground which composed of mostly cigarettes and snack bags. I looked both ways making sure no one was near us.
I walked over to Jennifer and Michael. "Should we go see if there's anybody in the school?"
They both looked up at me from what they were doing. Jennifer shrugged, "Sure. I can't see why we shouldn't." Michael just nodded.
I walked over to the door and was about to walk out when I remembered the bell above the door. I didn't want to set it off and let the enemy know we were here. I looked around a found a sharp piece of glass. I grabbed it and cut the thin piece of string holding the bell as I quietly as I could. It didn't ring thankfully and I put it down onto the display window counter. I opened the door slowly. I looked one last time to make sure before darting across the street to the stairwell that led to the entrance of the school. I waved for them to follow and they both did. I was about to go inside when I noticed there was giant blood stain on the door. That left me shaky. I had no clue what could be awaiting us inside. I looked to Jennifer and her eyes lit up like she was waiting for a meal like the freak she is. I drew my deagle in one hand and put the other on the door trying not to put my hands in the blood. I opened the door slowly and when the gal was wide enough I put the gun in the crack then opened it all the way ready to fire. This place was... disturbing. Some lockers were swung wide open. Some were closed with blood drops on them. Some of the open ones doors were hanging off the hinges like they'd been ripped off. Then the worst part was the blood trail like someone had been dragged through the center of the hallway. I went first following the blood trail. Along the way seeing that all the classrooms were absolutely trashed. This was not looking good at all but very grim. A few minutes later we came to the end of the blood trail after many hallways. There was a door labeled, "Janitor's Closet." It was next to the stairwell. There a blood pool seeping out from under the door. The smell from whatever was on the other side of the door was repulsive. It wreaked of pure death. I had to back up to try not to vomit. Jennifer eagerly opened the door smelling potential food. And just like I expected inside was a corpse of an older man. Maybe the janitor. But I couldn't tell because not even a second later Jennifer lost it. I'll spare you the gruesome part but let's just say Jennifer enjoyed eating what she considered food finally. She ate the entire guy in less than five minutes probably. It was quite gross as usual. She got blood all over her mouth and hands.
She blushed a tad using the teasing sing-song voice again "Crosby, I made a mess~." She licked her fingers clean sucking on them and then licked the blood around her lips up. This would've been hot almost in any other situation besides her just having ate someone. Then she looked down at her breasts and giggled a little to herself, almost manically. "Crosby. I got some on breasts. Why don't you be a darling and help clean them off?" I swear she was just constantly trying to be flirty and also annoy me at the same time. I rolled my eyes turning my back to her looking up the stairwell to the sunroof at the top of the stairs to the second floor. Then out of nowhere she grabbed my index finger tight and placed it against her breast. I dropped my deagle when she grabbed my hand. I grabbed my arm trying to stop her. They were soft as clouds but I started blushing uncontrollably and she laughed to herself. She teased me, "Never touch a girl before?" She wiped the blood onto my finger then placed my finger into her mouth and sucked the blood off. This was next level weird. I pulled my finger out of her mouth which was grossly covered in saliva. And then I realized by doing that her teeth cut my finger. The saliva getting into the open wound made it burn. I wiped my finger onto my gross cargo pants and applied pressure onto it. Then, out of nowhere there seemed to be shuffling coming from upstairs. I reached for my gun with my bleeding hand but Jennifer grabbed it instead and stepped in front of me which was completely out of the blue. Michael went closer to the stairs the red energy swirling around his hands again.
Out of nowhere there was a male voice from upstairs, "I think we have visitors downstairs boss." There was people above us. And judging by how the school was in shambles and covered in blood; I don't think these people had good intentions.

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