Chapter 19

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     To my disappointment, it was my foster brother. I could see his face as he had the hood of his robe off. His eyes were still glowing purple like before. He was in the largest tent with Toby and Hunter. They were gathered around a table. The table took up most of the tent from what I could make out. On the farthest side facing towards me was Kevin. To the left of the table from where I was stood Toby and across from him was Hunter. They seemed to be chatting about something. I saw movement out of the corner of the scope and looked to see what it was. There was a small tower I hadn't noticed before that was in the outskirts of the left side of the circular force field. The tower was relatively close to the forge and also made of wood. And in it there was two guys who seemed to be goofing off. I think they were supposed to be guarding against intruders. I couldn't make out any weapons so I could be wrong about what they were supposed to be doing. I kept observing and a few minutes after the enemy revealed how many of them there was. To my displeasure there was at least two hundred or so of them. I had no clue what type of monster they were unless they had a visible difference to make them inhumane like the orc I think there was. It's skin tone was green and unlike anyone else's. Then the orc walked over to the right of the big tent and disappeared. I knew there was another one of the stupid barrier forcefield things blocking my view of whatever was there. I stood there for a few minutes waiting for the orc to come out but he didn't reappear. I had no clue what could be there for all I know it could be a weapon stash. I felt someone grab my arm hard and I dropped my sniper letting it fall but it was caught by the sling I had on. I reached for my sword with my other hand drawing it and turning around fast. I saw red scale covering thing and went to swing but my sword was caught by it. It was Riley. Her tentacle things were extended out of her back but her eye wasn't red like before. She let go of my other arm.
I locked eyes with her and she looked away at the barrier, "Sorry about flipping out earlier.... it's just I couldn't control myself because of your scent. You're the best smelling somewhat human creature I've ever experienced." I could tell she was nervous just by how she smiled half heartedly. I didn't trust her at all since I literally had just met her less than an hour ago and she seems mega sketchy. I put my sword away and she seemed to ease up. She looked over the ledge and her eyes seemed to glaze over like there was a thin clear film over them all the sudden. I grabbed hold of my sniper rifle. About to aim in again before she sighed, "I think I ought to tell you his weakness, even though you don't have it and won't be capable to wield it."
      I looked at her a bit confused but this could be vital information so I had to know even if she lied to me to save him, "What is it?"
      She ran her hands through her hair, the scaly tentacles retracting back into her, "Angelic magic or white magic depending on what you want to call it."
     I knew this would be an issue. No one on our team was capable of using it that I knew of. I couldn't cast it as angelic magic only high born angels can wield. And it's extremely deadly to demonic creatures. And when I say deadly I mean that it can corrode them inside out with a good strike from a sword or use of a good enough spell.
     I had to get my mind off of how screwed we were so I decided to ask her something, "What're the tentacle things that come out of your back?"
     She looked at me a bit taken aback as she probably wasn't expecting a question like this right now, "Um... these?" They extended again and now I knew she could call upon them on demand. I nodded and she went her attitude seemed to change. She seemed more willing to explain now, "They're called rinkukas. And only ghouls have them. They're our defense mechanism against monster hunters like y—." She stopped herself knowing she probably shouldn't be saying that right now.
     I really didn't care what she called me. I was a monster hunter to some regardless of who or what is slayed. There was silence and she looked down where the barrier was. I think she could see through it somehow but I wasn't gonna ask why as I didn't want to seem overly aggressive. I aimed through the scope of my sniper rifle to see if anything changed. I cranked the magnification to the maximum setting which was roughly 14x. I could make things across the camp now. I looked closer at the guard tower as that would be an issue when we rushed in. I noticed one of the had red curled horns similar to those of a goat. One of the guys had blonde hair from what I could make out and was relatively a bit dude muscle wise and was relatively attractive. The dude with the horns was slim and tall. He had brown hair that went up at a point and a big nose.
I think Riley saw where I was looking because she pitched in, "The guys in the guard tower are Brady and Ben. The one with the horns is Brady and he's a demon. And the other one is Ben and he's half dragon I think." I didn't respond to her as behind the guard tower I made out three familiar figures on a roof. I could they were Cornelius, Thickle, and Lukas. They had someone else with them with large wings but I couldn't make out any other details as they were too far away. I was really hoping they had brought an angel to help. But if they had brought a fallen angel we'd be screwed. Anyways I heard my car being parked in the alleyway behind us. And then people getting out; which I assumed was Michael and Jennifer. And over the radio I heard from what sounded like Cornelius: ready to launch the assault?

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