Chapter 2

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The next day I was driven to school by my foster dad being forced to go because apparently they got a phone call from the principal about me skipping school. He dropped me off at the front of the school & there was the principal waiting for me there. The principal was taller than me by a foot or so & he was bald. He stared at me when I got out of the car with a death glare for a minute & looked up. He waved to my foster dad and smiled politely. My foster dad soon drove off. He looked back down at me.
"Well, Crosby, you won't be skipping anymore now that we've established a connection with your foster parents." He laughed to himself. "The same with your friend." I don't think I mentioned but Jennifer lived with foster parents to protect her as the princess from rival giants kingdoms. But anyways, he escorted me into the school to the main hall then to the left to the office. Soon, I was in a small room with the schools police officer. He was maybe half an inch taller than me. He had dark brown hair & brown eyes. The principal made me sit down & the officer was sitting at his desk with his computer to the side of his desk facing away from me.
      The cop looked to the principal, "Thank you Mr. Bates." I had honestly forgotten the principal's name since I hadn't come to school in a while & I hadn't gotten into trouble much before. Mr. Bates walked out closing the door behind him. Then the officer looked at me up & down getting a puzzled look on his face. "You're that psycho kid." I looked at him annoyed. "You know how much pain you and your friends caused for the families of those officers?!" He pretty much yelled at me. I honestly felt guilty slightly about it but honestly I felt it was self defense in the spur of the moment. He stared at me & huffed. "Wow. Well, we need to know what you know about the dog thing we found at the bar brawl you were at." It took me a minute to realize but I figured out they discovered me & Jennifer were at the bar brawl. I ignored that part for the moment.
     I had to get something out of this if I was going to tell him. "What's in it for me?"
     He smiled to himself shaking his head. "We won't tell your foster parents & won't follow through on the charges from the guys you assaulted."
      I really didn't want to go to jail or pay a ridiculous amount of money for the charges so I figured I might as well tell him. "What do you want to know?"
     "One second kid." He pulled something up on his computer clicking on whatever it was. "How come we couldn't kill it?"
      I sort of laughed quietly to myself but it became not funny very fast as I remember how clueless the humans were. "Well, first of all, it's called a werewolf. And secondly, it only has one weakness being silver." He typed what I said onto the computer I think. After, he asked me a bunch of other questions about werewolves but I'm not gonna write all that down because it's quite boring.
      After I finished with him it was lunch & Jennifer was in the same lunch as me. I met up with her & we went outside to our usual spot to eat lunch which was under a tree at a stone table with stone benches. If you were wondering why we didn't eat with everyone else it's because Jennifer ate human flesh everyday which was covered in blood usually & would easily cause issues if anyone saw who was human. And if anyone did see they would probably become her next meal. Except for me obviously because I wasn't completely a pure human & was used to it at this point for the most part. She took her lunch bag out which was full of human flesh chunks covered in blood like I said.
      She ate some then asked me, "Did you have to talk to the cop too about the bar incident?" I nodded & she acknowledged with a follow up statement saying to me, "Sorry he asked you a bunch of questions about werewolves. That's partly my fault because I told him if he wanted to actually know stuff to ask you." It made since to me that she told him to ask me because she was not an expert on every monster like I was. She scarfed down the rest of the flesh getting blood on her face.
     I handed her a napkin rolling my eyes. "You have blood all around your mouth again." She blushed a little wiping the blood off her face then throwing the blood soaked napkin into a bag then into the trash. She drank water also washing the blood off her teeth. I ate my lunch too & soon lunch was over & I was on my way to class when the intercom turned on & I heard, "Crosby Vandemon, please come to the office."
      I looked to Jennifer & she looked to me a bit sad & she said to me sadly, "Bye Crosby." I said bye to her & went to the office & the cop was waiting for me at the entrance of the office.
      He looked at me, "You're coming with me Crosby."

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