Chapter 12

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    We had been stuck in the room for hours with our hands bound together. My wrists began to hurt because when I tried to move them too much, I'd get rope burn. But anyways, I was sleeping against Jennifer (who I think fell asleep too). This was the only time we had "safety" to rest. But it really wasn't really safe as the other guys who attacked us earlier were right outside the door. That wasn't a problem though as we had to roll with the punches for now. Suddenly,  out of nowhere there was a loud thud. In the room next to us. Jennifer and I both woke up abruptly and just looked at each other in confusion to what the noise was.
    I think that was where the big guy was because a few seconds later I heard him yell, "Where the hell is this guy!? He was supposed to come get them hours ago and pay us the big money!"
    I couldn't make out what the minions said back to their boss as they weren't nearly as loud as he was. I got up, looking around the room for any way to escape. Which of course there wasn't. So decided to just look out the window wanting whatever this person or thing was to come find us and potentially set us free. But I doubted they would actually set us free since I knew that whoever or whatever it was that put a bounty on my head was probably not going to have the best intentions.
    I sat there for a while thinking, looking out the window at the night sky. The stars glowing brightly as usual. I started thinking mostly about what'd I do when this was all over. The first thing that came to my mind was if I'd actually ask Jennifer out. To be honest, deep down, I was too afraid too. I didn't want to ruin our friendship if we ever started dating and then for some reason broke up. And you can probably understand why for the most part. But if you don't, let me explain. For one, if we did for some reason; she'd probably eat me alive out of anger or keep me stowed away in the dungeon with the other two Demi-Gods who betrayed me. But also because she was one of the few people I could trust (most of the time) to make the right choice and to help when I needed it. I mean, I obviously wouldn't get rejected as she has made moves on me multiple times. Then, out of nowhere someone grabbed my hand which snapped me out of my daydreams. I turned to see Jennifer staring at me as she was holding my hand.
   She looked a little concerned, "What're you doing?" She looked out the window up at the night sky, then at the buildings around us, including the little store we had previously been in. "Were you looking for somebody out there?"
    I shook my head, "No, there's probably nobody willing to help us for miles anyways."
    She looked at me and smiled shaking her head, "We have Michael you moron. He'll probably help us if we need it." I forgot he was even with us.
  But for once out of nowhere... he talked, "I will help you guys. Whoever this person is, that is causing this chaos and loss of lives... will pay for it; by my hand or yours."
   I laughed nervously trying my best to smile. I mean I liked Michael but him never talking almost made him.... weird? I don't know how to describe him other than that. Then again he had been experimented on by the government or something according to the general. For all I know, he could've been brainwashed.
    He walked over to us by the window. "I know how to escape from here. It's actually quite simple. But the problem is getting off these power restricters." I asked him how and then he went on a long rant, "First things first, we need to cut the ropes on our wrists off each other using the shattered glass over there. Then we need to open the door which should be quite simple using one of Jennifer's hair pins." I looked over to Jennifer and sure enough she had two in her hair. Which I had never noticed until now. I'm not the most observant sometimes. Anyways, he continued on, "A hair pin should be able to pick the lock. There's only one issue being that picking the lock would pose; it won't be quiet. And after that we need to find out how to get the collars off."
We could try to smash them but that'd be too risky without hurting someone accidentally. Shooting them off I wouldn't even consider as we'd have to be way to accurate. Then Michael went behind me. I think he was looking at the collar as he felt him grab it. I have no clue why he was just doing this now.
"There's a key lock on this. We might be able to pick it. Jennifer give me one of your hair pins." He put his hand out which I saw out of the corner of my eye. She pulled one out of her hair which made her luscious hair fall down on one side. It dropped all the way to her waist. One side still being held up a little past her shoulder. She handed it to him and I felt him start fiddling with the lock as the collar was pressed up against my neck. The metal collar was freezing cold despite being on me. After a few seconds I heard a click and it fell off. Michael backed off. And I caught it and tossed the collar aside quietly.
Jennifer looked at me eagerly, "Me next!" Michael handed the hair pin to me, clearly getting that I didn't like other guys touching my girl. I really had never picked a lock but I figured it wouldn't be too difficult. I put the pin in the hole and spun it around. Within a few seconds it clicked in the right spot and the collar came off. She put it down too as quietly as she could. We couldn't let them know we were trying to escape.
She whispered, "I'll make sure no ones coming." Then she ran over to the little window in the door. I got Michael's off too.
Michael looked at me, "We could pick the lock or we could break the window. I could fly all of us down if we broke the window." There was a few problems with either plan. If we broke the window it would make a ton of noise and alert them we'd escaped. But if we picked the lock there could be guards waiting downstairs for us to walk by. It was a lose-lose either way. I didn't want to be caught in a small space downstairs. Because we could be surrounded again and not be able to fight them off. So I chose the window option. That way if we had to fight it'd be out in the open. If we didn't have to fight we could just run. I waved for Jennifer to come over to us. Which she reluctantly did.
"We're going through the window." She looked at me like I was crazy but it was the safer way from my point of view.
Michael looked at me. "You two ready then?" We both nodded. He looked outside the room one last time to make sure no one was watching. Then he ran over to the window charging up a punch, red energy emitting from his hands. He punched the glass shattering it out of existence. It was way louder than I thought. He ran over to us and picked me up by my shirt and Jennifer by the waist. I heard footsteps running down the hall and the big dude yell an order to his minion or something. But I couldn't make out what he said. And before anything else could happen, Michael flew out the window holding onto us into the night sky.

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