Chapter 15

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    We had pushed the hummer in between two open spots next to the exit of the garage. The two spots were between to pillars that supported the building.  All around the garage were perfectly good cars. Ranging from commuter cars like the Toyota Camry to heavy duty vehicles like a Ford F-350 heavy duty I saw. Anyways, I forgot to mention but on top of the hummers there was three numbers and a corresponding letter. For ours it was R333. I don't know what the numbers or the letter meant. But it probably wasn't important. I opened the creaky door to the hummer. And carefully took out the glass shards by hand. And whatever was left I'd have to clean out later. But right now I wanted to see if our new treasure would even start. I turned the ignition on and it roared to life. It was loud at first but not even close to how loud my car was. I looked at the gas meter and it was at a little over 3/4 of a tank, meaning this thing must've only drove for a little while before being abounded. There was a military radio inside the hummer above the dashboard in the middle. It seemed like only the glass and drivetrain would have to be fixed which was easy enough. I figured I could make thick enough glass by combining two pieces of glass from a normal car. I also doubted we'd be getting shot at as most people I'd seen so far we magic users or super human. Jennifer and Michael were wandering the floor we were on looking at the cars. Then I heard her yell for me in an excited tone. I stopped what I was doing and ran over to her. She was on the ramp to the lower floor with Michael just standing on the right side. I walked up next to both of them.
    I was a bit confused to what they could've found to be so happy about, "What's up?" I looked at her and she had a giant smile on her face.
    She pointed over to the rail to the floor below to a black Dodge Challenger which seemed mega boring and average to me, "Go look at that. I dare you."
   I sighed shrugging having nothing else to do for now. I walked down the rest of the ramp. There was even more boring cars on the second floor. I walked over to where the challenger was. It looked pretty normal from the front. Then I walked to the side and saw something I'd never expect to be here of all places. The hellcat redeye badge was on the side of this thing. And it had loafers on the back window. I looked inside and this had a hellcat redeye trim level interior too. Including the paddle shifters attached to the steering column. I looked at the tires and it had the correct rims and it had Michelin Pilot Sports on them meaning this thing would ride like a dream. This thing would work ten times better then the hummer for navigating the abounded city as it was smaller and faster. I tried to open the door and astonishingly it was unlocked for some reason. I sat inside the driver seat. And on the passenger seat there was a paper and the keys under it. I found that mega strange. I picked up the paper and it had writing on it. It was wrote in red ink, it looked like blood but I couldn't tell. Whoever had wrote it had wrote in cursive. It read:
Dear Crosby,
  Enjoy the new armored and silenced ride. It had a few special features that you should appreciate. And defeat the dishonorable Demi-Gods for me as compensation. They're committing pathetic sacrifices in my name.
    Your father, The Lord of Darkness.

   This was completely out of nowhere. I thought he despised me ever since I'd discovered why he left my mom and me. And I'd never received any help in the mortal world before from him. I stuck the keys in the ignition and cranked it. It started instantly without any turn over or hesitation. The gas meter was full. It had no miles on the odometer either. Meaning this thing was brand new. Jennifer and Michael had walked over as soon as I started it.
    Jennifer opened the door and her jaw had dropped, "Why is this thing so quiet?"
    I figured I'd tell her the truth, "This is a gift from my dad apparently. It's silenced and armored according to him."
     She just nodded also having no idea why this had happened or how it was even possible. I found it quite appropriate that he chose to give us a car named after a creature from the underworld. There was better cars named after things from the underworld but this would do. Jennifer pusher the seat forward leaving just enough room for Michael to get in. She looked at Michael, "What're you waiting for? Let's get the hell out of here!"
     I found it funny how she forced him into the backseat as he was biggest of the three of us. But he climbed in the car and fit somehow in the middle seat as he couldn't fit in the other two. Jennifer put the seat back and got in. She closed the door behind her. And the seatbelts automatically deployed themselves somehow as soon as all the doors were closed. This car was magical obviously. We were way lower to the ground then I was used to but it was awesome. I turned on the radio to see if there was any emergency broadcasts but it switched automatically to some random broadcast I didn't know. Out of the speakers of the car through the broadcast I heard, "Any new sightings of Alpha squad and hummer R333?" Another voice came through on the radio, "Negative. No sign of Alpha squad or the hummer." The other voice came back, "Keep an eye on the satellite imagery soldier." Then a response, "On it sir." The radio always showed a bunch of numbers and letters that seemed all scrambled up which I think showed what frequency we were listening to.
   Jennifer looked at me, "This car is encrypted with the military channel? That's sick!" I wondered if my dad had thought of anything else to help us. I looked around the car and found the usual buttons for turning off traction control and stuff. Then I looked at the usual spot for USB ports with the voltage output where the dashboard met the center console. There was three large square buttons next to the button to toggle traction control . One had an emblem of two guns crossed that glowed white from below. I pressed it and on the inside of the door panel rotated up inside of the car. The car revealed to us, a military assault rifle on Jennifer's side. And on my side there was a bit of a surprise, there was an actual sniper rifle with rounds and all just sitting there. I clicked the button again not wanting Jennifer to know I had that. The second button had an emblem of a bubble and glowed light blue. I pressed it and a light blue energy field covered the car closely even over the windows. Then the last button had the emblem of a spring which glowed a light green. I thought it could be an ejector seat like from the movies which would be kind of dumb. I pressed it hoping it wasn't. And it wasn't. It raised the car to the height of an suv. This would be useful to get over curbs and stuff I usually wouldn't be able to.
    Jennifer looked at me having a new spark of hope in her eyes, "You're dad thought of everything!"
    I was grateful but also confused why he had given this to us. Just to kill the Demi-Gods or whatever didn't seem like a good enough reason to me. But I just went with it. I pressed the spring button and went back to the normal lowered down ride height. It was time now. I put it into drive and went up the ramp to the first floor. Then I drove out the exit back onto the street in the sunlight. Now, we were as ready as we'd ever be for what lies ahead.

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