Chapter 3

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   It was just another standard Ford Police Interceptor Utility (which looks like a Ford Explorer) with the standard black & white police paint job. The exterior consisted of big black bars (a.k.a a Setina push bar) on the front used to ram into stuff, the blue & red sirens mounted on top in the front, the little spotlights on either side above the mirrors, and the county name and police identification number. Inside the car everything was black in color. The specialized laptop in the middle of the two front seats specifically made for law enforcement along with the radio where certain codes used for certain situations would come through. In between the back seat & the front seat was the standard black metal wall with a wire mesh covered hole in the middle so the officer could look back seat & be safe from potential criminal(s). Also on the windows in the back seat there was bars on the windows.
      I looked at him confused where I was going with him to & why. I didn't have time to ask where we were going before the principal grabbed my hoodie dragging me out the front door tossing me into the back of the cop car parked in front of the school. The principal closed the door & when he did the back doors locked automatically. The cop got into the front seat turning on the cop car.
     I asked him super confused. "Where are you taking me?"
     He turned around looking me in the eyes. "We got another call about a creature on the lose & you're coming with us to help take it down before anyone gets hurt."
     Of course I was stuck sitting in the back seat even though I was going to help the police contain some sort of being or monster which they'd never witnessed before. Within minutes we were there due to the deafening sirens being used. I had to wait in the car while he got a witness' account. Looking around, for a second I didn't realize where I was until I saw my foster home. There was just one thing was off about it... a purple bubble force field had formed around the building along with the sky above us being purple in color & dark clouds looming overhead ominously. I'd never seen anything quite like this. The cop I had come from the school with opened the door for me & I stepped out looking around briefly. Buildings near my foster home in a circle had been completely flattened. Dust flew through the air around us. Families were scattered around us. Ambulances, police, & fire fighters helping those who were now homeless. These people were not the best off to begin with. Now left with nothing & no money to spend to replace their stuff. I walked closer to the bubble the injured people looking at me as I passed. Some of them may have seen me in my car. I started to build up momentum to sprint. I had to figure out what was going on. But the officer grabbed my arm, "You are NOT causing anymore damage. And we can't afford to lose someone with your knowledge on these sort of these things."
      I looked at him annoyed. "Who else is gonna fix this?!" I yanked my arm away from him bursting into a full sprint. As I got closer I saw something coming at me fast from my right. Before I had time to react & move out of the way. My car almost hit me stopping me dead in my tracks as it stopped a few feet past me & Jennifer got out slamming the door shut behind her & holding my keys that I must've somehow left at school. I was confused how she, 1. got my car keys, 2. Knew how to drive, 3. how she got my car, & 4. why in the hell she was here. She ran over to me tears welling in her eyes before grabbing onto my hoodie & burying her head into my chest. She stuttered, "C-Crosby... p-please don't go in t-there..." She sniffled. I looked down at her pulling her gently off me. She looked up at me clearly upset.
     "P-Please..." She begged. I huffed. I had more important matters at hand. If I didn't stop this now, this could spiral out of control. I was only a few yards away from the bubble. I got right up against the bubble trying to stick my arm through, which surprisingly worked with no resistance. I looked behind me to see Jennifer running at me to try to stop me. I wasn't going to let her & walked right through the bubble. I was inside it now. She tried to run through the bubble after me but it just knocked her backwards. She landed on her butt looking at me even more upset. "Crosby! Stop! Please!" I ignored her turning my back on her walking deeper into to this mess towards the building. As soon as I got close the building collapsed outwards. A large chunk of debris flew towards me very fast & I barely moved out of the way. I looked up to see a figure in a black robe from head to toe with purple glowing eyes. Shadows covering their face. I summoned my sword & launched myself upwards with a lift spell at the entity. It created a purple fist made of magic out of nothing & punched me back downwards into the ground harder then I'd ever been struck before. Causing a dust cloud to disperse around me. My body went into complete shock as pain overwhelmed me as a crater in the ground had formed around me. The entity lowered itself closer to me. I tried to get up but couldn't. The pain was too great. Only a few seconds had gone by before the entity landed on the ground a few feet away from me. I tried getting up again knowing if I didn't this wouldn't end well. I got up almost before something grabbed my arms & legs pulling me back to the ground onto my knees. I looked & there was chains with shackles made of the purple magic stuff keeping me stuck to the ground. I tugged to no avail. The figure drew a large curved dagger & came right up to me laying their pale hand on my shoulder as they whispered in my ear, "Enjoy Hell." They stabbed me through the heart causing me writhing pain. As I looked down they drove the dagger deeper. The bleeding was severe & I was unable to breathe. They took out the dagger & seconds before I slid into the hands of death, they kicked me to the ground & started to walk away.

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